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After wasting a bunch of dog food, Cheng Que still did not catch the point. Gu Langu felt that maybe it was best to limit future interactions with Cheng Que. After all, it didn’t seem to serve any purpose. Why bother studying psychology when you couldn’t even grasp the most basic emotions? Gu Langu thought he might as well be his own semi-mechanical self.

Cheng Que had no idea that Gu Langu looked down at him. As one of the geniuses who had once participated in the transformation of Gu Langu, Cheng Que probably never imagined that one day he would be criticized in the field of psychology simply because he didn’t actively indulge in affection.

Cheng Que had never doubted his professional abilities. Even when his secret involvement in the modification of Gu Langu’s psyche was exposed, there was never any intention from higher-ups to exile him. It was Cheng Que’s proactive and resourceful actions that landed him on the Cang Zhan Star. Clearly, Cheng Que’s value in the eyes of the Galactic Alliance was still highly regarded.

If someone as talented as Cheng Que were to be rejected simply because he didn’t indulge in affection, the losses would be significant. Fortunately, Shu Shuishui was a fair and impartial dormouse, completely unaware of his own affectionate gestures, and naturally, he didn’t pay attention to whether others were reciprocating.

After a satisfying meal, the tolerant dormouse extended a friendly invitation to Cheng Que to continue the conversation in his dorm.

Cheng Que, who rarely had such opportunities to relax, gladly accepted, ignoring the cold gaze from Gu Langu. This might be one of Cheng Que’s advantages, having been involved in the transformation of Gu Langu. He didn’t fear him like others did, and in Cheng Que’s eyes, Gu Langu was not unbeatable.

Amid Gu Langu’s somewhat displeased emotions, Cheng Que followed the two of them to the dorm.

Shu Shuishui even thoughtfully prepared a cup of tea for Cheng Que, indicating that this was going to be a lengthy discussion, and casually closed the door.

In an instant, Cheng Que realized the seriousness of the situation and his expression became more earnest.

Shu Shuishui, not accustomed to formal communication with others, scratched his head and decided to start with a topic. So, he thought for a moment and asked, “Been busy with work lately?”

Cheng Que pondered this question for a few moments. “Well, I’ve been researching mutant creatures going berserk.”

Shu Shuishui had initially asked casually but was suddenly intrigued by the importance of Cheng Que’s research. “Any discoveries?”

Cheng Que wasn’t quite sure which aspect Shu Shuishui was interested in, so he asked, “Such as?”

After all, the topic of mutant creatures going berserk was a complex enigma. Even in the previous generation, it had taken the combined efforts of the entire Galactic Alliance and a long time to make any progress. The research direction was too broad to pinpoint easily.

Shu Shuishui’s eyes sparkled with anticipation as he responded seriously, “Have you found any giant grasshoppers or something similar, preferably as big as pigs, or if not, at least as big as chickens?”

Cheng Que paused for a moment and then said, “Not yet.”

“Oh,” Shu Shuishui, in his humanoid form, would have raised his eyebrows if he could. But he quickly adjusted his attitude. “Any other discoveries? Like other insects?”

Cheng Que, more talkative now that he was discussing his research, replied, “There has been some progress. For example, the mutant rats in the Shui Jing Gong show no signs of going berserk, seemingly breaking the law that all mutant creatures must go berserk. I’ve extracted some fur and saliva from these rats and studied their past living environments, dietary habits, and so on, hoping to find key factors. Of course, it would be even better if we could have one or two of these gray rats cooperate in the research.”

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