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Invisible but alluring, Shu Shuishui eventually, amidst the eerie gazes of the people at the table, placed the ring on Gu Langu’s finger. To everyone’s astonishment, the ring that had been ill-fitting all along magically conformed perfectly to Gu Langu’s finger, as if it had been custom-made.

Liu Du was extremely unwilling, unable to fathom how the ring could now fit. However, upon further reflection, he realized that the other ring Shu Shuishui had was clearly ill-fitting. It was too large to be worn as a bracelet and too small to be a necklace. With this in mind, his heart found a sense of balance.

Shu Shuishui, on the other hand, was deep in thought. These two rings were exactly the same as the ones worn by Wu Lan and Li Meng, which is why Shu Shuishui had previously mentioned that they were replicas. Shu Shuishui had great confidence in his powers of observation—there was no discrepancy in the size or style of the rings.

Could it be just a coincidence? The ring Gu Langu was wearing was identical to the one worn by Wu Lan. Suddenly, Shu Shuishui’s little dormouse ears twitched, and his fur bristled slightly. His cheeks puffed up for a moment, and without making a sound, he stashed the other ring into his spiritual storage space.

Shu Shuishui was angry, wondering who the other ring belonged to. No one around was a suitable candidate to wear the same type of ring as Gu Langu. But just thinking about it made him unhappy. Shu Shuishui tried to recall the size of the ring. Unfortunately, his dormouse form couldn’t control its own transformation, otherwise, he could have compared his finger size to the ring.

The others couldn’t fathom that the little dormouse’s thoughts had already wandered far beyond the realms of reality. They resumed discussing the dungeon amongst themselves for a while. Ultimately, everyone unanimously agreed that the difficulty of this dungeon lay in the distortion of time and space. The scale of time, the speed of its passage, and even the direction of its flow were entirely separate from this universe.

It felt as though some sort of interference point from another universe had invaded, thus creating an independent temporal space. If this speculation held true, Li Meng, whose identity remained an enigma, likely didn’t originally belong to the Canghai Galaxy, and perhaps not even to this universe.

Li Meng hails from an unknown universe, perhaps a parallel space. However, it’s highly likely that the dimensions of that universe are much higher than those of the Canghai Galaxy. That’s why it retains its own temporal and spatial rules, allowing Li Meng to maintain his own timeline.

“If that’s the case, does it mean that in Li Meng’s original timeline, everyone ages from elderly to youth? That doesn’t make sense,” Yu Jin couldn’t quite fathom the existence of such a place.

Xie Feng quickly corrected from the sidelines. “It’s not about life progressing from old age to youth. Time and space are both relative. Without a reference point, we wouldn’t know the direction of our own time. The same goes for Li Meng. Perhaps the timelines of the two dimensions differ only in the flow of time. The starting and ending points of life might be the same, but when Li Meng came here, everything became comparative. The time-space of this universe became distorted, leading to a misjudgment of Li Meng’s life endpoints. This caused his life to flow backward because our aging timeline is equivalent to Li Meng’s youthful timeline…”

“Alright, alright, Professor Xie, your academic discourse is better left in the lab. You’ve said so much, and the more you explain, the more confused I get,” Yu Jin’s head was spinning from listening, so he hastily interrupted Xie Feng’s scientific explanation.

Xie Feng shrugged nonchalantly. “Well, with your intellect, it’s normal not to understand.”

Yu Jin suddenly felt that he had been too gentle in his interruption; he should have just charged up and given Xie Feng a good thumping.

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