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Shu Shuishui fell silent, his heart in a peculiar state. Although he had only just met the jiaolong, its playful demeanor kept flashing before his eyes. The image of the somewhat silly jiaolong frolicking in the water remained vivid. Yet now, it displayed an intense and fearsome determination.

“This precipitous cliff was once the dwelling place of the Qinglong, Lan Gu. The mountain is unyielding, standing tall for nine thousand years. Only the jiaolong can leave its mark here, and only this place can withstand the repeated strikes of its broken horn,” Da Bai stated calmly.

“You’re deliberate, aren’t you? Doing this to soften Brother Shu’s heart,” Gu Lanyi responded promptly, though he was still awed by the scene before him.

Shu Shuishui was well aware of Da Bai’s intentions, yet he couldn’t refuse. His heart wavered, a mixture of tenderness and heartache.

At this moment, the jiaolong seemed to have lost its senses. The dragon horn after a thousand years marked a critical point of evolution. The process of becoming a dragon involved enduring the agony of transformation while retaining a trace of consciousness. It required controlling instincts, defying the heavens, and repeatedly crashing into the perilous cliffs.

Amidst the earth-shaking commotion, the world remained eerily silent. Even the peak where the Qinglong, Lan Gu, resided had long been devoid of flying birds. No spiritual beasts roamed, and even the lush forest of pines and cypresses growing atop it seemed exceptionally extravagant.

“Brother Shu, is it really alright for this to continue?” Half an hour had passed, and the jiaolong’s head was bloodied and battered, yet its speed as it charged toward the precipice showed no signs of diminishing. Although Gu Lanyi didn’t have much of a connection to the jiaolong, this brutal spectacle undeniably sent shivers down one’s spine.

Shu Shuishui’s gaze remained fixed on the jiaolong ahead. If he were in his rodent form at this moment, one could observe his little ears alternately drooping against his head and then perking up with worry.

Finally, after a crisp cracking sound, the jiaolong executed two consecutive high-speed collisions. Its nearly fully grown dragon horn broke with the sound, detached from the dragon’s head, and plummeted to the ground.

The jiaolong swiftly followed, diving downward, then clamped onto the recently shattered horn, happily returning to Shu Shuishui’s side. Its large head gently nudged against Shu Shuishui’s shoulder, as if seeking praise.

Shu Shuishui extended his hand and, as usual, stroked the dragon’s head, only to touch warm blood instead.

The jiaolong seemed completely unconcerned, and as it opened its mouth, the freshly broken, bloodied horn fell right by Shu Shuishui’s feet, the blood pooling into droplets that splattered onto the cover of Da Bai’s book-like spiritual tool.

Da Bai opened his mouth, but upon seeing the bloodied jiaolong, he ultimately refrained from uttering any disdainful words and merely let out a soft, disgruntled hum.

The unflappable jiaolong nudged the horn towards Shu Shuishui with a gesture reminiscent of before, causing Shu Shuishui’s heart to flutter. He wanted to feel sorry for it, but the jiaolong appeared utterly nonchalant, even somewhat gleeful. Its enormous orange vertical pupils brimmed with innocence and lightness.

Shu Shuishui gently tapped the spot where the dragon’s horn had previously been, where the jagged crack now remained.

The jiaolong’s eyes blinked in response, but it remained still, offering its head to Shu Shuishui once more.

“Idiot, didn’t it hurt? Couldn’t you have dodged?” Shu Shuishui sighed softly.

A gentle purring sound emanated from the jiaolong’s throat, a mix of coquettishness and explanation.

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