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Although his eyes were closed, Shu Shuishui’s smile was already beginning to overflow with joy. There was no need for doubt; he knew he would receive Gu Langu’s morning kiss. Indeed, Shu Shuishui felt the pressure building as Gu Langu drew near and the faintness of his breath.

As his breath drew nearer and became more urgent, Shu Shuishui realized that the target was not his forehead. Just as he felt a hint of surprise, there was a slight, cool sensation on his lips, along with a soft and moist touch.

Subconsciously, Shu Shuishui opened his eyes, and he found himself looking directly into Gu Langu’s eyes. Those eyes, which he had once praised with earthy sweet words, were filled with starlight.

It was Gu Langu, yet it seemed as though he wasn’t. It was like the beginning, yet there was something more. He could no longer think further as the slightly cool lips grew increasingly hot, rendering him thoughtless.

Shu Shuishui instinctively leaned back, but it only made him tilt his head slightly to endure better. Breathing became more difficult and his gaze confused. This was probably the first time Shu Shuishui felt madness, obsession, and fierceness in Gu Langu’s presence.

Perhaps it hadn’t been too long, at least Shu Shuishui could still catch his breath when this prolonged and strenuous morning kiss finally came to an end. Gu Langu withdrew, his breath no longer grazing Shu Shuishui’s face, and Shu Shuishui remained lost in a daze.

“Shui Shui, good morning.” A low, husky, and seductive morning greeting whispered by his ear sent shivers through even the human-like Shu Shuishui, stimulating his ear.

This greeting seemed to transcend nine thousand years of time, crossing countless dimensions and enduring eternal hardships. Even if it had been through struggles and bloodshed, it remained tender with each call.

For some reason, Shu Shuishui felt his eyes welling up with tears. This feeling came from the depths of his soul, resonating even without the memories of nine thousand years. “Gu Gu, lie down.”

Although Gu Langu, whom he had expected to receive a morning greeting from, was puzzled, he obediently repositioned himself inside the double sleeping bag.

“Gu Gu, close your eyes,” Shu Shuishui continued.


Gu Langu naturally complied without hesitation.

After Gu Langu closed his eyes, Shu Shuishui leaned in closer and, following his instincts, planted another morning kiss. This one was gentler but carried infinite tenderness.

“All right, Gu Gu, you can wake up now with one more morning kiss,” Shu Shuishui added, brushing his lips against Gu Langu’s.

This time, Gu Langu didn’t obediently open his eyes. Instead, he lifted the corner of his lips and said with a smile, “Gu Gu needs two morning kisses to wake up~”

Shu Shuishui felt like he had been struck by a surprise attack. Gu Langu’s style of being cute was irresistible. Well, of course, he had to pamper him. Without hesitation, Shu Shuishui pressed his body down, bringing himself face to face with Gu Langu. He then said, “I’ll give Gu Gu three; how about a morning kiss appointment for the rest of our lives?”

Gu Langu’s eyes trembled, but he managed to suppress the urge to open them. Perhaps he felt his current position lacked dominance, but he couldn’t bear to interrupt, so he succinctly replied with two words, “Permission granted.”

Inside the tent, there was silence again, with only the intimacy of their lips and teeth lingering, proving that humans needed one more morning kiss to wake up, and sometimes even two wouldn’t suffice.

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