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It was at this moment that Shu Shuishui planted the idea of widespread Spirit Tree cultivation in his heart. Yu Jin was right; if they could change an entire galaxy with their planting efforts, what was impossible about changing a single planet?

However, there were numerous difficulties to overcome to realize this idea. Firstly, Cang Zhan Star and Huanxing were two different worlds. Without hesitation, Huanxing was the more suitable environment for Spirit Tree growth. The spiritual energy and natural conditions there were unique to the cultivation world, something Cang Zhan Star couldn’t compare to, even in the face of doomsday.

In addition, when they were greening Huanxing in the past, they simply planted trees on a large scale without considering things like setting up formations, making the implementation even more straightforward.

However, if they wanted to achieve large-scale environmental greening on Cang Zhan Star, they would face not only the issue of sparse spiritual energy but also practical challenges like electromagnetic storms, extreme winter temperatures, topographical features, the choice of Spirit Tree species, and the process of nurturing Spirit Trees.

Nonetheless, once achieved, the protective array’s impact on an entire planet would be substantial. Unlike Spirit Stones, which have limited spiritual energy and require continuous replenishment and renewal, Spirit Trees can generate their own spiritual energy, often producing more than they consume. This allows them to accumulate spiritual energy while providing protection.

The more Shu Shuishui thought about it, the brighter his eyes became. Even though he didn’t know what the so-called imminent disaster was or when it would occur, as long as there was a method of resistance, Shu Shuishui was willing to try it. “Gu Gu, let’s discuss the specific plan and then write a proposal for greening Cang Zhan Star, okay?”

“Sure, we’ll listen to Shui Shui.” Gu Langu nodded without any shame, expressing his agreement, and happily followed Shu Shuishui back to their tent to work on the proposal.

Yu Jin shook his head. “It seems that ever since he fell in love, our boss isn’t the same as before.”

Nan Fang disagreed, waving his hand. “No, no, he’s still the same boss, only now he’s Shui Shui’s boss.”

The group exchanged knowing glances and burst into laughter, showing expressions that indicated they understood.

Meanwhile, back in their tent, Shu Shuishui and Gu Langu sat at a small table. Shu Shuishui retrieved an unused notebook from his spiritual storage and began writing the ‘Cang Zhan Star Greening Project’ proposal in a neat and orderly manner. Below it were the names of both Gu Langu and Shu Shuishui, indicating the authors of the proposal.

Gu Langu’s eyes shimmered momentarily as if he had traveled back to a distant past. Two figures huddled by a desk in a study, and a candle holder on the table emitted warm yellow light. The two were engrossed in studying and discussing the writing and production of books. Occasionally, they reminisced about amusing things and couldn’t help bursting into hearty laughter.

The laughter occasionally disturbed Da Bai, who was sleeping on the bookshelves. Da Bai would flip over the pages and continue to slumber.

“What’s making Gu Gu laugh so sweetly?” A hand waved in front of Gu Langu, bringing him back from his reverie.

Gu Langu snapped out of it. “Shui Shui’s handwriting is very nice, just as cute as Shui Shui.”

Shu Shuishui lowered his head in confusion, looking at the plan on the table. The writing was indeed much neater than what he had written when he was still a mouse, but could handwriting be described as cute? Shu Shuishui’s right hand skillfully rotated the pen, and then his eyes darted around. He made a few additions to each of their names on the cover.

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