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Due to the interception order, the situation in the northern hemisphere became even more tense. However, the only glimmer of hope was that the rainy season was coming to an end, and Cang Zhan Star was about to enter the dry season.

In the high temperature and low rainfall of the dry season, the water levels on Cang Zhan Star would likely decrease rapidly because the extreme weather of the Apocalypse Era wasn’t limited to just the rainy season.

Some smaller fleets, upon receiving the interception order, immediately turned back, preparing to tough it out on the water’s surface for these last twenty-something days, waiting for the water levels to drop so they could find new places to settle.

However, most of the fleets that had migrated had already depleted their supplies during the long journey. If they returned now and stayed on the water’s surface, not to mention the risk of storms, their current supplies would be insufficient to sustain them for that long. Leaving could result in starving to death, and staying could mean getting killed—caught between a rock and a hard place, it was a despairing situation.

The situation for the migrating fleets was extremely passive. For now, all they could do was try their best to remain hidden and avoid detection by the northern hemisphere’s bases.

But this was far from easy. The rise in water levels had made land resources in the northern hemisphere extremely scarce. Almost all land had bases stationed on it. Trying to approach the shore meant being within the sight of the bases in the northern hemisphere. Moreover, looking at the interception list released with the interception order, Zone A and Zone S had auxiliary equipment like detectors and drones.

Of course, there were also a few fleets that had the same idea as Shui Jing Gong, which was to form an alliance. The fleets with this idea were those that had some strength and a certain level of intelligence. They understood that this year’s weather was probably not a coincidence, and regressing might provide temporary relief, but it was by no means a long-term solution.

Therefore, while these fleets carefully avoided the surveillance of the northern hemisphere, they also dispatched small boats to search for traces of other fleets, preparing to form alliances.

The Shui Jing Gong fleet had similar actions. Shui Jing Gong was not lacking in detectors, especially after Xie Feng joined. With detectors and the deployment of small boats, they had enough security to search for other fleets within a certain range.

In addition to this, the people of Shui Jing Gong also gathered together to research suitable landing points. Yes, they had decided to land. After all, if they wanted to form alliances, they needed a strong rear base to stabilize their people.

Combining the recently updated maps and the information they gathered about the mutant creatures, the Shui Jing Gong group finally settled on the largest mountain range in the northern hemisphere as their landing point, the Cangyu Mountains.

The Cangyu Mountains not only boast the third-ranked pristine forest on Cang Zhan Star but also feature vast mountain ranges and abundant wildlife resources. What’s even more crucial is that the longest river on Cang Zhan Star, the Cang River, flows through this region.

The Shui Jing Gong had migrated from the south, following the course of the Cang River. The Cang River meanders through the Cangyu Mountains, providing convenient transportation for them as they arrive by boat.

After all, the migrating groups consisted of fleets, and these vessels couldn’t be easily abandoned. Unless a base had a spatial folding device, storage of the vessels would pose a significant problem.

Nan Ge’s finger slid across the map, tracing the winding course of the Cang River through the Cangyu Mountains. “The Cangyu Mountains themselves possess abundant species resources, and this place has always been avoided by the northern hemisphere. Numerous mutant creatures inhabit this region, and with this year’s floods, even more of these mutants have flocked here.”

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