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In the end, Gu Langu still found a jar because when they tried to catch the fireflies, even the frogs ran away, showing their disdain. Shu Shuishui sighed in disappointment and spread his hands, “It seems that frogs, like me, find them not tasty. Looking unappetizing can also be an advantage. Unlike me, all furry and looking delicious. Not safe at all.”

Though it was a bit of self-mockery, Shu Shuishui’s proud tone couldn’t be suppressed. He had always taken pride in his furry appearance, and he couldn’t help but show off every single strand of fur on his body.

“Of course, it’s much better in human form. I won’t be eyed by cats, and besides my hair, I won’t have fur. Gu Gu, look at my legs; they don’t have any hair. It’s so strange, like I’m missing a pair of furry pants, but luckily, I don’t need to go out…” Shu Shuishui chatted away, and Gu Langu listened quietly, occasionally showing a somewhat helpless expression. Even though Shu Shuishui had transformed into a human, his thought patterns were still quite unique, and he always managed to bring a smile to Gu Langu’s face unintentionally.

“Does Gu Gu have leg hair? If not, I can make you a pair of cotton pants to keep you warm,” Shu Shuishui said, nodding confidently.

Gu Langu wisely shook his head, secretly planning to remove the leg hair sometime. “No, I don’t need pants. But if I did, pure cotton fabric would be perfect.”

“Of course, silk would feel cool, and lace might itch, so pure cotton it is,” Shu Shuishui said matter-of-factly.

Gu Langu chuckled softly. He recalled the time when Shu Shuishui was in his mouse form, with furry little legs that looked so warm. “Shui Shui, you’re the best.”

“Because Shui Shui wants to take care of the best Gu Gu, that’s why I’m the best,” Shu Shuishui said, fully content.

Gu Langu had accepted Shu Shuishui’s sudden surge of down-to-earth compliments. Since Shu Shuishui woke up from his nightmare, it seemed like he had switched to compliment mode and continuously cheered Gu Langu on. He was just one step away from sending Gu Langu into the heavens with his praise.

Placing the glass jar with fireflies between them, Gu Langu put his arm around Shu Shuishui, drawing him close. Although Shu Shuishui wasn’t short at 1.7 meters, compared to Gu Langu’s 1.87 meters, he did appear smaller by comparison. Wrapped in Gu Langu’s embrace, Shu Shuishui felt safe and secure.

“If Shui Shui ever wants to leave, even with all the praise, I won’t be happy,” Gu Langu whispered.

Shu Shuishui immediately raised his hand to promise, “I won’t. Gu Gu is so adorable; how could I bear to leave? What if someone else tries to snatch you away?”

Gu Langu couldn’t help but chuckle at Shu Shuishui’s efforts. Shu Shuishui’s compliments were relentless, with nine out of ten sentences praising him, and the remaining one setting the stage for more praise.

Holding Shu Shuishui in his arms, the slightly cool evening breeze brushed past them. Gu Langu’s soft laughter echoed in Shu Shuishui’s ears before dissipating into the distance.

It was a rare night when Shu Shuishui didn’t sleep. The two of them chatted about everything and nothing, enjoying each other’s company. The usually stoic Gu Langu had completely transformed, shedding any traces of his mechanical persona. At this moment, he was simply a man, a man content with holding his beloved in his arms, a man who could laugh and dream of the future, just like anyone else.

The night in the valley was far from silent. Sparse cricket chirps, crisp frog croaks, and the rustling of the wind through the fields of wheat, all intermingled with the voices of Gu Langu and Shu Shuishui. It was peaceful and comfortable, and having each other was truly wonderful.

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