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Due to the addition of the mutant rats, Shui Jing Gong’s migration force expanded once again. Nan Ge had to order the construction of several more boats to accommodate the mutant rats.

The mutant rats were well aware that this migration depended on the people from the base. They behaved remarkably obediently, even on the first day of gathering, standing in orderly rows to make it easier for Nan Ge to count their numbers.

Not all the mutant rats were migrating; very few, whether due to their age or their unwillingness to leave the valley, chose to stay behind. However, the majority agreed to migrate with the larger group.

Animals are naturally more adept at observing nature than humans. The unusual early winter snowfall had already raised concerns among the mutant rats. This valley, as calculated by Shu Shuishui, was considered a Feng Shui treasure trove, with an excellent geographical location. Each year, during the summer, they would simply migrate from the valley to the mid-slopes or mountaintops to avoid the rainy season. However, this year’s weather seemed particularly abnormal.

With the imminent arrival of the summer rainy season, the snow outside had yet to melt, and one could only imagine the scene that would unfold when the rainy season arrived.

The mutant rats had their migration plans in mind as well. However, without the use of tools and relying solely on swimming, they couldn’t venture too far on their own. So when they learned that the people of Shui Jing Gong had migration plans, the mutant rats also decided to follow along.

In addition to their cooperation with Gu Langu, this further solidified the mutant rats’s confidence in following along. Besides, there was a relative of theirs inside. If Shu Shuishui and Gu Langu got married in the future, they would be well-connected rats.

The people in the valley didn’t have any reservations about the mutant rats joining them in the migration; instead, they welcomed it. Not to mention the mutant rats’s combat abilities, their relocation skills were truly impressive. So when it came to building additional boats, everyone readily accepted the idea.

In total, there were forty-two mutant rats, a quite considerable number. After mutations, while the combat abilities of organisms experienced a qualitative leap, their ability to reproduce offspring was weakened, possibly a self-balancing mechanism of nature.

To express their gratitude to Shui Jing Gong, the mutant rats willingly took on some of the valley’s work, such as climbing trees to pick fruit, harvesting field crops, weeding, insect-catching, and cotton picking.

For the people in the valley, it was the first time they saw how life could become so simple and comfortable with this group of rats around. After the mutant rats harvested the fields, not a single grain of rice was left behind; they were all carefully collected and piled up in a small heap for drying.

The diligent attitude of the mutant rats quickly changed the perception of the people in the valley, from initial hesitation to active acceptance. Coupled with the countless quirky little flags that the mutant rats carried, the communication and integration between the two sides went surprisingly smoothly.

Watching the gray-furred rats turning over the soil in the fields, Shu Shuishui couldn’t help but exclaim, “These are the real field mice, aren’t they?”

The pseudo-field mouse, who was actually a dormouse, yawned and leaned against Gu Langu beside him. “I heard that the gray rats have formed the Gray Rats Moving Company, and people even tip them when they work. They really know how to make a living.”

Hearing about Gray Rats Moving Company, Gu Langu inexplicably felt a bit guilty. Fortunately, Shu Shuishui was leaning against him and couldn’t see Gu Langu’s expression at the moment. He only heard him make a faint “Hmm.”

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