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Heyo human beings from outer space!

This is my first time writing solely about characters that I did not originally invent. I am sorry if any of them seem out of character. I tried. 

Edit: Hey it's future me here-- and I think basically everyone has one of these a/ns so just add me to that list buuuut I wrote this and then I improved a WHOLE lot so this one's rough but if you want a better one, go further to like "Datapad" or "memories around the camp fire" minimum if you want something else... and just go to the end for a good one I guess?? Anyway, if you don't mind starting out a bit sketchy stay and if you have high expectations, skip ahead and no judgy :)

Trigger warning for vomiting. 

Read on if you dare. 

"What's that?" Ahsoka asked, watching Anakin haul a box into the empty mess hall on the Resolute.

"Some sort of candy. I think it was called... Caramel," Anakin said with a grin. "It's rare and we happened to get our hands on some of it. There are a few more boxes in the hanger. Go ahead and grab one."

"Okay!" Ahsoka hurried out of the room to find the boxes. She ran into Kix and Rex in the hanger.

"Where are you going in such a hurry?" Rex asked.

"Master Skywalker told me to help him move some cargo," Ahsoka replied, hoisting a box onto her hip.

"Commander, I haven't seen you in the med-bay yet since the battle," Kix pointed out.

"I'm not hurt," Ahsoka said.

Kix gave her a look. "You haven't been our commander for very long, but I know you well enough to know that you take after the General in the way of injuries. Come and get your check-up now or I'll drag you there myself."

"I'm fine, Kix," Ahsoka insisted. "Besides, I have to--"

"The cargo can wait," Kix grabbed her arm and pulled her in the direction of the med-bay.

"Kix!" Ahsoka protested. "Unhand me!"

Kix chuckled and did no such thing. He picked her up and plopped her down on a medical cot.

Ahsoka grumbled through the whole process of getting her check-up. She glared at him through narrowed eyes and hissed when cold equipment touched her bare back. Kix only chucked at his young commander.

"Alright, Commander, you're good to go," Kix told her.

"I told you I'm fine," Ahsoka huffed. 

Ahsoka jumped to her feet and was out of the med-bay before Kix could thank her for not biting him. She sure looked like she was about to bite him.

Ahsoka ran to the hanger to find that there were no boxes left. She dashed to the mess hall where Anakin was waiting with his arms crossed.

"What took you so long?" Anakin narrowed his eyes at her. "Where were you?"

"Kix dragged me to the med-bay," Ahsoka grumbled.

Worry washed over Anakin's features. "Were you hurt?"

"No, just a checkup. He said I looked fine," Ahsoka replied.

"Ah," Anakin chuckled, worry gone. "How about we try some caramel?"

Ahsoka brightened. "I'm for it."

Anakin grabbed two of the packaged candies and tossed one to Ahsoka. She caught it in one hand. They ripped the packaging simultaneously.

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant