Dear Anakin, Obi-Wan, and 501st

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I know I haven't published anything new in forever and a half, but the past two weeks of my personal life have been absolute chaos. It's a really busy time for me right now, but I managed to scrounge up this story I wrote a bit ago. 

Sorry for the lack of updates, and hopefully, I'll be able to publish more when my schedule calms down a bit.  And, well, today, I've hired a ninja to chop onions in front of your faces. 

Read on if you dare. 

And if you're not allergic to onions. 

"Ahsoka, Rex, where are you? Get out and blow the bombs, we're being overrun!" Anakin shouted "into him comm.

"Rex is on his way to your position. The bombs are set, get to a safe position so I can blow this place," Ahsoka's voice crackled through.

"What? Where are you? I see Rex, but not you, get out of there," Anakin barked. "Hurry!"

"Master, I'm sorry," Ahsoka said, her voice soft, "I'm not going to be able to make it out."

"Ahsoka, listen to me, you can make it out," Anakin bit his lip.

"There's not enough time," Ashoka said. "Get to a safe location and fast. This whole place is gonna blow."

"Sir!" Rex ran up to his side. "We must get to a safe position. She's ready to blow."

"Rex, why didn't you make Ahsoka come with you?! Why isn't she with you?!" Anakin demanded.

"Sir, what are you talking about? She's right–" Rex twisted around, cutting himself off when he noticed that Ahsoka wasn't there. "W-what? I-I don't understand. She was right behind me!"

"Ahsoka, get your butt out of there now! That's an order!"

"Anakin." The way she said his name made him freeze. "I'm sorry."

The ground rumbled beneath them and the whole Separatist base erupted. Smoke wafted from the firey booms, pounding at the eardrums of the clones. The troopers raced back to cover and Rex had to drag Anakin along.

But Anakin hardly noticed any of it. The only thing he could feel with the sensation of having part of his heart ripped out and the gaping hole in the Force.

She was really gone.


Anakin stood in the doorway of Ahsoka Tano, his former padawan's, room. He was supposed to be cleaning it out with the help of Obi-Wan and Plo, but he couldn't bear to take one step inside. He could already feel the tears pricking at his eyes and the tightness in his chest.

It had been nearly a month since she'd sacrificed herself for the mission, that stupid, kriffing mission. Anakin had spent the time with Padme at her apartment. She'd taken some time off of work to be there with him.

When Padme did have to go to work, however, Anakin left, too. He hunted down the Separatist general directing the Separatist's side of the battle, who had somehow escaped the explosion. And Anakin slit the man's throat.

"Anakin, come on, this has to be done," Obi-Wan nudged behind him gently.

"I know," Anakin croaked. "I don't want to."

"I know that you don't," Obi-Wan set a hand on his shoulder. "You don't even have to touch anything. You just need to be here to tell us what you want to be done with her stuff."

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