Daylight Savings | Febuwhump Day 18

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I sure went through an adventure trying to write this. I typed part of it with one hand since I had an IV in another arm, I tried to write it in a car two times but I started getting car sick both times, I started writing it and then decided to listen to an entire Harry Potter book in one day, and then I decided to make a Youtube Channel.

So yeah. I have a Youtube Channel now, under "TwentyFunnyBunnies." I've decided to make audio for all my stories in case any of you want to listen as you read or just listen. I'm also putting my NaNo novels on there (and here on Wattpad too) after I finish editing because I think I need to wait until I have gray hairs and nothing to do to for-real-publish it.

Or here's a link: 

With that being said, this was requested by CsewoltCadence and the prompt is "Can't Stay Awake"

Read on if you dare.

"What the kriff are you doing?" Ahsoka asked, looking up from her homework to see Anakin nearly topple off an unsteady chair he stood on. He managed to regain enough balance and reach up to mess with the chrono.

"Changing the time," Anakin said.

Ahsoka's heart stopped for just a moment, realization slapping her in the face. She dropped her head to the table and groaned.

Anakin raised his eyebrows and turned around. "What the kriff are you doing, Ahsoka?"

"I forgot it was the time change," she said into her homework. "I'm not ready for it."

"Eh, you'll be fine," Anakin promised. "You already have a pretty messed-up sleep schedule. What's an hour less of sleep gonna do to you?"

"But the time changes," Ahsoka said, sighing heavily as she began to put her studies away. "It's not the sleep that's the issue."

"Whatever you say," Anakin said, confusion clear in his voice. "Just get enough sleep. At least enough to stay alive."

"I might die anyway." Ahsoka groaned. Anakin heard the door to her room slide shut, and then he heard a frustrated scream muffled by her pillow.


Anakin woke up a bit too late in the morning and dragged himself out of bed. He hoped Ahsoka hadn't overslept. She had a huge test that was required to pass one of her classes. He palmed open his door and stepped outside to nearly smash into said padawan, who was rushing around like a tornado.

"Oh, hey, Master," Ahsoka said, feverishly fiddling with a rag and... bottle of cleaning spray?

"What did you do?" Anakin asked. "Did you spill something?"

"No, I just thought we could use a bit of cleaning up in here," Ahsoka said in a rush. "Something to do while I studied."

Anakin looked around, and to his confusion, he found their entire quarters spotless. "What happened? Was Obi-Wan here? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, and no, Obi-Wan wasn't here. I'm just nervous about my test," Ahsoka said. "Speaking of which, I gotta get going."

"Wait," Anakin caught her arm. "I'm pretty sure nervous cleaning isn't a thing. Is Obi-Wan paying you? Did he blackmail you?"

"Blackmail? This is Obi-Wan."

"You never know what he's capable of until you see him in action," Anakin said with a shudder.

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now