I Fell Down The Stairs

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Heyo, human beings from outer space! 

It's pi day, so you better go get yourself some pie. Go. Now. No. Stop reading this. If you're still reading this and you don't have pie, you're WRONG.

Do you have your pie now? Okay, fine. 

Requested by Nugget_Lord_ (stupid tags aren't working)

Read on if you dare.

Transitioning to new quarters— one he shared with his unexpected padawan— was another thing Anakin could add to his list of Things That Suddenly Change When You Get a Child Thrown in Your Face. But overall, this addition wasn't so bad. The new quarters had more space and a larger 'fresher. His personal cabin had a bigger, squishier bed too.

Having to live with another person would certainly be an adjustment, though. Anakin had lived with Obi-Wan, but the dynamic was entirely different. Anakin trusted Obi-Wan, and was comfortable with him. But Ahsoka.... Anakin had no idea how he was supposed to act.

At least he had some time to figure it out... and several hours of silence. Ahsoka had lessons from the morning to the afternoon. So Anakin had spent the day enjoying the increased space and the holofilm projector as he hashed out the stacks of paperwork that had piled up after his previous mission.

When he was only a few files away from finishing, the door clicked and Anakin turned his head in time to see it swish open. Ahsoka shuffled in, her eyes pointed at the ground. Anakin's brow creased. Something about her energy was... off. He could sense it in the Force.

And what made it even clearer was the way she was trying to slink to her cabin, staying in the shadows.

"Padawan," Anakin said, and Ahsoka froze like a statue in her steps. "How was the day of lessons?"

"As usual," she said, hesitating just long enough to give Anakin time to turn on the lights he'd dimmed for the holofilm.

Once the shock of the brightness in his eyes faded, Anakin quickly figured out why Ahsoka was cowering, and his brow scrunched tighter. Her lower lip was cracked and swollen, and ugly bruises splotched one of her lekku and arms.

"What happened?" Anakin breathed. If his padawan was already getting in fights—

"It's not a big deal," Ahsoka muttered. "Really, I'm okay."

Angry sparks heated Anakin's chest. "That didn't answer my question."

"You don't have to be worried—"

"I do if you don't tell me what happened," Anakin growled, the ghost of who did you beat up? threatening to spring to life on his tongue.

"I, uh... I fell down the stairs."

Her lekku flushed so dark and she turned so sheepish that it scuffed out the fury boiling in Anakin's chest. And all he could manage was, "Oh."

"Yeah," Ahsoka muttered, rubbing a bruise on her elbow. "I have homework." And with that, she shut herself in her cabin and didn't come out for the rest of the night. Anakin made an effort to offer her something to help with the bruising (courtesy of thinking what would Obi-Wan do?) but she assured him she had supplies from her own med kit.

And in the morning, the bruises were faded enough for Anakin to have to squint to see them. So he assumed everything was fine. And it was.... Until the next week.

When the door swished open one afternoon, Anakin nearly fell out of his chair. Blood was smeared all over her face.

"I tripped," she said. "Got a nosebleed. I thought it stopped but it started again. Sorry."

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