How Many Older Brothers?

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This story was requested by @KassandraofSparta27. It's kinda bittersweet but it was super fun to write. 

Read on if you dare. 

"Fives," Echo sighed, clasping his brother's back, "you can't just drink all your grief away."

"Yeah, yeah," muttered Fives.

"You should listen to him. He's right, y'know," Hardcase budded in, and Jesse and Tup nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, they all speak from experience," Kix said with a small chuckle.

Fives half-heartedly faked a laugh, but gave up and sighed.

"We all miss her," Echo said quietly.

Fives stared down at his reflection in the blue, glowing beverage in his cup. He did miss Ahsoka, probably more than any clone should miss his commander, and more than anything, he wished he could see her again. It was killing him not knowing where she was or why she left. The General had proved her innocence to everyone, so why would she suddenly just walk out without saying goodbye and without looking back?

It was unfair! Outrageous! And it was all the Jedi's fault! No clone could possibly believe that Ahsoka had done what she'd been accused of, but the stupid Jedi did! Fives slammed his cup down on the counter and his fist tightened around it.

The reason he was so miserable was because of those stupid, kriffing Jedi!

"Easy, vod," Echo hushed, setting his hand on Fives' shoulder. Fives realized he'd been grinding his teeth and scowling, so he forced himself to relax. "Getting angry isn't going to solve anything. And neither is drinking enough to puke up your guts in the morning."

"You're right," admitted Fives. "Let's go."

All the clones pushed their cups of alcohol aside and elbowed their way out of the crowded bar. The cool air hit Five's burning cheeks like a raging wave.

Finally free from the blaring music of 79's, the sharp sounds of struggling caused all the brothers to crane their heads to the nearby alleyway.

"Sounds like something we can help with," Tup said, and everyone took off to the alleyway. It would help them get their mind off of... more upsetting matters.

They skidded around the corner to see a teenage girl struggling to hold off a few bulky muggers. Fives was about to leap forward and teach the big bullies a lesson when another teenage girl leaped in front of the first. At the sight of her, Fives froze in his tracks. Jesse smacked into him, then Tup into Jesse, and so on until everyone played dominoes and ended up in a heap on the ground.

The girl stood there in an all-too-familiar defensive position. Her lekku floated gracefully against the faint breeze and reflected the dim street lights.


Echo suddenly snatched Five's arm and dragged him behind the nearest dumpster where everyone else was waiting. They peeked around and watched with wide eyes and gaping jaws.

"Is that...?"

"Commander Tano. Yeah."

"What's she doing down here?"

"I dunno, hiding from the Jedi, I guess."



Ahsoka quickly picked off the muggers one by one. After she dealt the only remaining mugger a kick to the face, he ran off and Ahsoka turned back to the other teen.

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