Pretty Little Pet | Febuwhump Day 4

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Looky-looky, I'm getting caught up! This is the second part of the last chapter in this book but you can probably read it as a stand-alone if you want to. I dunno. You might be confused. 

I actually probably had too much fun writing this part. Oops. Whelp. I said I was almost done, and then I had to go eat, ugh. Eating is overrated. 

Just kidding, eating is good for you, please eat. 

I don't know if I should put trigger warnings on here or not, so yeah

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka woke for the third time that day– night, whatever– to the door of her containment cell scraping against the floor as commando droids shoved it open. Ahsoka blinked against the sudden brightness of the light pouring through the door.

A heavy man appeared within the three commando droids. Ahsoka narrowed her eyes at the man. This was the man who had ordered her to be taken away from Cody and muzzled and chained. She would've attacked the man if she hadn't been restrained.

"Good morning, my silly little pet," the fat man said.

Ahsoka didn't say anything. The muzzle didn't allow her to so much as open her mouth.

"I'm so glad to see you, pet. And you know why? Because we are going to have such a fun little day today, pet," Fat Man said. He snapped his fingers and pointed at Ahsoka. The commando droids stepped forward and started messing with her chains. Ahsoka couldn't see what they were doing, but she could hear clicking and scraping.

A moment later, one of the commando droids hauled her to her feet and the motion made her head spin. Before she could stumble, another commando grabbed her other shoulder. The third one stood behind her and tugged at the chain on her collar and muzzle and her breath hitched.

The chains were removed from her wrists and ankles, but the cuffs remained in place and her hands were bound.

Fat Man led the way down the hallway, the three commando droids keeping Ahsoka in check. She tried to shake her shoulders free, the droid's metal fingers bruising her arms, but Fat Man heard the shaking of chains and turned around.

"Easy now, my pet," said Fat Man, clicking his tongue. He stepped forward and cupped her muzzled chin in his hands, looking her in the eyes. "It's okay, we're just walking. You'll be okay."

Ahsoka wanted to deck him. She shoved her chin out of his grip and glared at him. She really hated this "being treated like an animal" garbage.

The walking resumed, and eventually, Fat Man took them into a cold, light-colored, a great contrast to the dark, stone containment center.

Fat Man directed the droids aside while he put on a long, white coat. The droids took her to a spot on the wall where she was chained. This time, she wasn't lying down, but instead propped up and held directly against the wall.

The droids planted themselves on the other side of the room, ready in case anything went wrong.

"You know," drawled out Fat Man, "I always wanted a pretty little pet, like you." He still had his back to Ahsoka as he clattered around at the counter. "I've had a few other pets, but have you ever gotten that feeling when you've run into exactly the pet you've been looking for? That little kitten along the side of the road crying for help? Of course you haven't, my pet, you are the kitten. My pretty little kitten."

Fat Man brought a syringe over to her and brushed her lekku delicately. "You're a Togruta. I've always wanted a Togruta. Do you know why, my pet? Because Togrutas are fascinating and hard to find. The mind of a Togruta is a true work of art, a treasure. It's like a puzzle, you see, my pet, and you're going to help me solve this puzzle today. Oh, how much fun we are going to have!"

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