Execute Order 66

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

So, I was going to publish the third part to "who did this to you" but then I realised that this is part 66. So I just couldn't help myself. 

But is anyone else in disbelief that there are already 66 parts to this? I never thought I could come this far.  

Oh, and just so you know I messed with the order of the events slightly. 

Read on if you dare. 

Omega watched. Omega waited. Omega listened. Omega learned.

Omega listened as the Kaminoins taught her about medics and the clones and how they formed from the DNA.

Omega learned from every lesson Nala Se gave her and from every moment she spent on Kamino.

Omega watched as the Kaminoins implanted inhibitor chips in each clone's head.

Omega waited for something extravagant to happen to her; a reward or promotion for her progress and knowledge. But nothing ever happened.

And something felt terribly, terribly wrong.

So as Omega stared at the machine, she was almost hesitant. Almost. Something inside of her told her it was the right thing to do.

Omega thumbed down the large, red button. Her fingers danced over the keys like a lightning storm as she entered a few codes.

And all over the galaxy, the inhibitor chips inside the clones' heads flashed, faltered, and something else.


"Hey, Codes, your holodisk is blinking!"

Under his helmet, Cody rolled his eyes. "First of all, never call me that again. Second of all, do you think I don't know someone is calling me?" Cody let out an exasperated sigh as the trooper just laughed. He pulled out his communicator and pressed a button. A hazy, blue figure in dark robes appeared.

"Commander Cody, the time has come," the figure said in a sinister voice that physically hurt Cody's throat to listen to. "Execute order 66."

Order 66? What the kriff did that mean?

"I'm sorry, uh, sir, but I'm afraid you have the wrong communication number," Cody said. "Perhaps you should double-check the communication number you called?"

"Execute order 66," the man repeated.

"I don't have an order 66 to execute. I'm really sorry, but I have to–"

"Commander Cody, perhaps you didn't hear me. Execute. Order. Sixty-Six."

"I don't know what you mean. I'm going to hang up on you, though, because I'm kind of in the middle of a battle." Cody pressed the button to end the transmission before the figure could respond. Stupid people, trying to get his head blown off by calling the wrong number. How hard was it to punch digits into a small device correctly?

Cody pulled out his blaster and kept blasting at the droids.


Bly snatched his holodisk off his belt and pressed the button to allow the transmission to come through. A man adorning dark robes appeared on the disk.

"Commander Bly. The time has come," the man rasped. "Execute Order 66."

"I don't think you called the right commander," Bly replied, frowning beneath his helmet. "I'm not entitled to an order 66. I'm on a scouting mission with General Secura and she's giving the orders."

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