Track Sleet | Febuwhump Day 22

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This is the fic that I planned on publishing on May the 4th, because I was caught in a crazy storm that day, but then I made two big fat mistakes and was needlessly traumatized because I had no coping skills that day. So here we are now. Hi. 

Read on if you dare. 

The first track meet that the Coruscant High School Knights hosted was the conference meet. They'd recently gotten their pathed and painted track, an expensive upgrade in comparison to the dirt and gravel they'd had ever since the school was built.

The athletes were released at half past noon to change and gather their things. Ahsoka gladly scribbled the last answer on her algebra quiz and handed it to her teacher. She shoved her textbook and binder in her bag, making a break for the door before anyone could stop her.

Bye-bye, algebra, Ahsoka thought. You won't be missed.

Ahsoka stopped by her book locker to put her text book away before walking down to the locker room. Some of the other girls already bustled about, screeching and chattering energetically. Ahsoka pulled off her sweatshirt and fit herself into her track jersey. She checked her bags, stuffed her lunch box in her duffle, grabbed her jug and blanket, and swung her locker door shut, clicking the lock.

Barriss was already waiting for Ahsoka outside the locker rooms. The two started outside, pushing through the doube doors and feeling the sunshine that greeted them. Across the grassy yard, they could see the track, the new, colorful flags flapping in the gentle breeze.

The rest of the team burst from the doors behind them as they made their way to the track. A few of the guys shuffled along with the canopy tent, everyone grumbling when they realized that another team had taken the spot that they'd planned to occupy. This was their home meet!

The Knights set up their tent beside the other teams' and threw their things inside.

"It's pretty warm," Ahsoka said, dropping her duffle beside Barriss'. "I think I might need to take my legging off."

"Ew, not here," Bariss said with a playful smirk. "No one likes you like that."

"Oh shush," Ahsoka said, rolling her eyes. "I have spanks on already!"

"Fine, whatever," Bariss scoffed, sounding highly amused in a way that Ben would've as Ahsoka swapped her leggings for her trach shorts.

Ahsoka sat down on her blanket and munched on a bag of popcorn as she and Bariss watched some of their teammates play spike ball.

"I think I'm gonna go warm up for high jump," Bariss said.

Ahsoka tossed her popcorn bag back into her lunchbox. "Yeah, probably better get warmed up for pole vault."

The two of them climbed through the fence and jogged across the track and turned to make a lap around the field to get warm. Ten minutes and a few dynamic stretches later, they parted, Barriss heading for her mark for high jump and Ahsoka to find her vaulting pole.

Ahsoka found her pole and positioned it in her hands, gripping it just where she needed to. There were some other girls from other schools finding their marks, but Ahsoka thankfully already knew where her mark was.

After waiting for her turn, Ahsoka ran a few practice runs, flinging herself effortlessly over the practice bungie. Her goal for the day was much higher than the practice bungie was stationed, but it didn't matter at the moment. She eyed the place she expected the bar of her goal height would be and angled herself to soar over it. Ahsoka didn't know if she'd made it since there wasn't anything there to tell her, but confidence burned inside of her. Today she would for sure get a PR, she knew it.

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