You Deserve This | Part 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Peoples, guess what? I curled my hair again and this time I DIDN'T burn myself, so progress

Anywayyy this was requested by LittleJedi1 and is wayyy too short because I'm tired and wonderful at procrastination. 

Read on if you dare. 

Fives knew how much Ahsoka hated the reg manuals, how boring she thought they were. Actually, everyone knew that, because Echo happened to be the only one in existence who actually enjoyed those deathingly boring things. Not even Kix would willingly read them!

Fives also happened to know that Ahsoka was, at the time, reading every single manual to Echo because he'd gotten himself hurt and landed in the med-bay. She'd been with him, and Fives knew she wouldn't be leaving his side until he was better.

So, to give her a bit of a break, Fives filled up a nice cup of caf for her and made sure not to add any sweetener because that stuff made her crazy.

He made his way down to the med bay and sauntered in the direction of Echo's cot. "Hey, Commander," Fives called, but not too loudly because Kix would kill him. "I got you some caf and your favorite vod, which is me, of course!"

There came no reply so he added another step to his pace and poked his head 'round the corner to see if they'd made a sneaky escape without even inviting him to join. That would be so rude!

What he found was much better.

Ahsoka and Echo were both squished on the same cot, Ahsoka curled tightly into Echo's side and Echo's limbs dangling off every end of the cot.

Fives instantly forgot about Ahsoka's coffee, abandoning it on some random surface, and whipped out his com. He commed for anyone who wasn't busy to come down to the med-bay... and bring their datapads.

Within minutes, just about every member of the 501st had collected a fair amount of blackmail material against Ahsoka and Echo. Fives was even generous enough to snap a few photos with Ahsoka's special datapad.

When Ashoka and Echo awoke, they were met by halls full of posters sporting the picture of them sleeping on the tiny cot. They pretended to be annoyed but really, they wouldn't have it any other way. 


Word Count: 340

Published: 6 June 2023

Guys I've updated for almost a week straight! Isn't that crazy??? I'm doing awesome!

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Bye, peoples!

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