The Cutest Little Bundle of Commander

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

It's been a while. 

But I'm back and I've got a funny chapter for all of ye peoples! 

Also, did you know that "peoples" is actually a real word? It's used to describe all sorts of different types of people from all different places. 

I just had to explain that because my spell check always says that "peoples" isn't a word. Rude. 

So, anyways....

Read on if you dare. 

It wasn't often that all the clone officers of the main Jedi got a short leave at the same time. So when the rare occasion dropped by, the clones never hesitated to jump on the opportunity.

That's why Rex was so exhilarated to be walking through the hallway with Wollfe, Cody, Fox, and Bly all at the same time. They'd just gone to the mess to grab a bite to eat so they could go out for a while."

"So 79's it is?" Fox said, his hand ghosting over his credit pouch.

"Oh yeah," the others agreed.

"I hope y'all brought your drinking money." Wolffe snatched his own credit pouch off his belt and tossed it from hand to hand.

Rex hailed a cab and paid for the ride to 79's. He had a feeling that none of them would be driving the speeder back.

The clones piled out of the taxi and into 79's, taking a table in the back.

"First round's on Wolffe," Bly elbowed Wolffe in the side.

"In your dreams, Twi'lek boy," Wolffe snorted with an eye roll.

"I'll cover the first round," Fox offered, "but I'm just buying for myself on the second."

"Sounds like a plan. Get me the most expensive thing they sell here." Cody smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"No. What do you want, Rex?"

"Just get me something light," Rex decided.

"You sure, little bro? We're going to party," Fox dragged out the 'a' on party.

"I'm sure," Rex replied. He found it funny that they called him 'little bro' even when he knew he'd be the one to babysit them after they had a little too much to drink.

Fox went up to the front to buy the drinks and brought back the small cups. Everyone downed theirs except Rex, who sipped on his drink slowly. Rex didn't order any other drinks.

However, the commanders did. And after a few rounds, they were getting real bright and colorful.

"You know something, Rex?" Cody asked, watching the glowing liquid slosh around in his cup.

"I know a lot of things. What are you thinking of?" Rex replied.

"You're the luckiest di'kut here. You get that little commander," Cody said. "None of us get one."

"Yeah," Fox agreed. "She's so small and cute and I bet she's fun. All I get are boring brothers."

"She is pretty fun," Rex chuckled.

"And I bet she does all sorts of nice stuff for you," Bly sighed.

"She does do a lot for us," Rex agreed.

"Like what?" Cody dumped the rest of his drink down his throat. "I need another round. But tell me first."

"Well, she's pretty fast and clever on the battlefield. Saved my neck a few times. And if you need company or someone to spar with, she's right there. She'll even sit in the middle of the barracks some nights and make sure no one has any nightmares." Rex smiled.

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