Happy Birthday to You | Febuwhump Day 14

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Let's just take a moment to appreciate this very original title *facepalm*

Anwayyyy, this is, of course, about Ahsoka's birthday since this was supposed to be published on her birthday... but that didn't happen. Just pretend, okay? 

This was requested by suzanne2317 and the prompt is captivity. 

And yes, I entirely ignore Star Wars timelines here. It's fanfiction. No one cares. 

Read on if you dare. 

It was a particular morning in the earlier months of the year when Ahsoka jolted out of her sleep to smack her head on the bunk above her double-decked bed. She rubbed her montrals, listening to the sound of Zeb and Ezra chasing Chopper down the hallway. Couldn't they let her sleep in for once? They should at least give her an exception for today, given the date and all...

Ahsoka's stomach stirred from the thought of the day. Her birthday– life day– whatever anyone wanted to call it. Well, it really didn't matter that much to her. Why should it anymore? It was never special until she became a padawan, and that time had ended.

With a heavy sigh, Ahsoka pushed herself up from the bunk and made her way toward the door. She had to stop wallowing in her depression like she usually did. Ahsoka couldn't let herself fall apart today, because she was taking the kids on a mission, and everything had to be normal.

Ahsoka narrowly avoided being plowed over by Zeb and chuckled as he threw a half-hearted sorry over her shoulder. She turned to see Hera's narrow glare targeting the back of Zeb's head and huffed another little laugh. Just a regular morning with the Ghost crew, and a morning similar to how hers used to go.

Kriff, stop being so depressing, Ahsoka mentally kicked herself.

"Morning, Ahsoka," Kanan said over the rim of his coffee as Ahsoka and Hera stepped into the kitchen.

"Good morning," Ahsoka said, forcing herself to sound cheery.

Kanan raised his eyebrows and looked up from the datapad he'd been reading on. "Hey, is today–"

"I'm taking Sabine and Ezra on a mission, yes," Ahsoka interrupted.

"No, I mean–"

"Oh!" Ahsoka looked at the chrono on the wall. "Speaking of that mission, I need to hurry or we won't leave on schedule."

"What do you mean? You have plenty of time," Hera said, frowning at the chrono. "Come eat something or at least pack some food to take."

Ahsoka smiled at Hera, being a mother as always, even if Ahsoka was older and she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. "Alright, I'll get some food."

"And we have caf," Hera said. "I could get you a cup."

"Don't worry about me, Hera. I can get caf myself a cup, you go worry about yourself," Ahsoka said.

"Okay, but eat something," Hera said, narrowing her gaze as she backed out of the galley kitchen and pivoted to head down the hall.

Ahsoka half-chuckled, half-sighed as she poured herself a cup of caf and took a sip.

"Today's your life day," Kanan blurted before she could interrupt him again.

Ahsoka choked on her caf and spit-sprayed it from her mouth as the words she hoped she wouldn't hear met her montrals. She continued coughing, trying to pull herself together.

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