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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I'm back, yay! And this time, I come bearing something a little less... how do I say this politely? Ugh, I can't. Something a little-- or a lot-- less trashy than the last one. Yeah, I'm not proud of that one. 

So this idea just lingered in my mind for several weeks, and now I finally put it on digital paper. I'm sorry if the characters seem a little out of character (namely the certain, young bounty hunter) but I had to make the characters act this way for the plot to work. 

Trigger warning for mention of blood and without further adieu, 

Read on if you dare. 

The group of assassins backed up, firing at the 501st and the two pesky Jedi.

Ahsoka, Anakin, and the 501st fired back. Or in Anakin and Ahsoka's case, deflected the blasts back at the assassins.

"Where's Boba?!" Aurra Sing demanded, side-glancing at the others.

"He's coming!" another bounty hunter replied.

Ahsoka's montrals picked up every word of the short conversation. She whirled around to see Boba Fett rushing towards her at a dead sprint with a blaster in hand. Boba hurled himself at her but Ahsoka ducked just in time for him to miss.

Anakin wasn't so lucky. The hard butt of the blaster slammed into his head and he crumbled to the ground. Boba kept running forward.

"Snips," Anakin groaned, only semi-conscious.

"Don't worry, Master, I've got him," Ahsoka sprinted after Boba.

The bounty hunters had already crammed into two different escape pods to escape the ship. Boba raced to the nearest one with Ahsoka quickly gaining on him. He tried to leap into the closest pod, but Aurra shoved him out, telling him there wasn't enough space.

Boba staggered back and raced to the next empty pod. As he went to leap in, Ahsoka tackled him. She rolled and pushed herself to her feet. Boba landed splayed on the floor. He recovered and charged Ahsoka but the Togruta yanked his arm behind his back.

Ahsoka threw Boba over her back. He regained his footing almost immediately and slammed her into the escape pod. However, he'd overestimated her weight and he tumbled into the pod behind her. Boba's foot hit the release control as he went in and the pod ejected from the star destroyer moments later.

"Look what you've done to us!" Boba shrieked at Ahsoka, pouncing on her.

"Me?! This was you!!" Ahsoka fired back, wresting Boba off of her. She kicked him back and he landed against the control panel. Buttons beeped as they pressed down and the steering jerked out of control.

The pod rocketed violently to the left, throwing its passengers against the wall. Ahsoka's vision blurred and she mentally cursed her montrals and lekku.

Ahsoka forced herself up and her vision began to clear. Boba hurled himself at her for another attack. Ahsoka, sloppy from her head bang, managed to dodge a few blows and slammed Boba into the console.

Bad idea.

The steering jerked out of control again, more abruptly this time, bashing the teens against the wall.

Boba hit first and wilted into a motionless heap on the floor.

Ahsoka followed suit, feeling the white, pounding pain blossom in her head. She watched a quickly approaching, unfamiliar planet out the front of the pod in the last moments of her quickly fading consciousness.

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now