One Save Against A Thousand Losses

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I have over 30 views since I published the last chapter and no feedback so far, so may I assume you all don't want a 500 reads celebration? I'm completely okay with that if that's what you want. 

Anyways, I kinda rushed this one and I had a completely different plan for this, so I'll probably make a different variation of it for the next chapter. 

Read on if you dare. 






Thousands of clones.

Her own master.

Ahsoka had failed to save each of these people.

Did this title her a failure?

Ahsoka wiped another tear away. She sniffed and curled impossibly further into herself.

Kalifa was dead. Steela was dead. Echo was dead. Fives was dead. Jesse and thousands of other clones died a horrible death. Anakin had become something even worse... And Ahsoka didn't... couldn't... save any of them.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Ahsoka's head shot up and she found herself looking into the eyes of a clone trooper.

"Can you hear me, kid?"

Ahsoka didn't know how to react. She couldn't run, he'd shott her. She couldn't fight, she was too weak and he'd call for backup. He didn't seem to recognize her, so maybe she was safe.

Ahsoka nodded.

"Are you okay?" Clone asked.

Ahsoka stared at him, still unsure how to respond.

"I think she's in shock or something," a trooper behind him noted. "Like a Tooka."

"Shut up, Wolffe," the third trooper hissed.

Ahsoka gasped. Wolffe?! If he recognized her, she'd be dead.

"I'm fine," Ahsoka croaked, trying to scrape up an accent.

"We're not supposed to talk to locals," Clone three chided. "Let's go."

Clone one turned and began leading the other two away. Wolffe stopped, turning his helmeted head to look at Ahsoka.

Ahsoka shrank further back into the shadows and kept her eyes down, hoping Wolffe wouldn't recognize her.

"You look familiar," Wolffe hummed.

Ahsoka's breath hitched and she held it in, trembling. Wolffe turned back and caught up with the other two, rejoining formation.

As soon as she was sure they were gone, Ahsoka found her old, rusted comlink that she didn't even know why she bought.

"Rex," she whispered into the device. "Rex, come in."

"Commander Tano?" Rex's voice came from the comm.

"Rex, I found Wolffe," Ahsoka announced.

"What?" Rex gasped. "I'm sorry but did I hear you correctly? Did you say you found Commander Wolffe?"

"Yes," Ahsoka whispered. "It's him. I'm sure of it. Come to Coruscant. I'm going to capture him."

"Commander, I'm not sure if that's a good idea..."

"I'm not either, but I'm doing it anyway," Ahsoka's lips slid into a smirk. "Oh, and if I die, sing at my funeral."

"What?!" Rex growled.

"I'm only joking! If I die, no one's going to give me a funeral. I'll just be thrown down the trash shoot," Ahsoka turned her comm off before Rex could further protest.

Ahsoka put her comm away and faded into the shadows. She leapt up the side of the building and onto the roof. Ahsoka swiftly travelled over the tops of the buildings, sensing Wolffe's vibrant, yet dimmed from the mind control chip, signature.

It didn't take long for her to catch up. She perched on a rail on the side of the building and waited for the perfect moment to strike.

As the three troopers turned the corner, Ahsoka pounced on Wolffe. She landed on his shoulders and looped her arm around his neck.

Wolffe didn't even have time to yelp.

Ahsoka dragged him back into a separate alleyway. She left his blaster on the ground outside of it.

With a bit of difficulty, Ahsoka managed to yank his helmet off and clasp a hand over his forehead.

"Sleep," she commanded.

Wolffe instantly crumbled to the ground backwards. That only meant that he fell on her.

"Crud, this was really a bad idea," Ahsoka gritted out, trying to wiggle herself free. "Curse you, shortness and smallness."

Footsteps began approaching. Ahsoka panicked and used the Force to shove him off. She barely had enough time to grab Wolffe's arm and drag him back behind some crates into the shadows.

She was lucky it was dim.

The two other troopers searched the alleyway briefly before moving on to the next one.

"Rex," Ahsoka murmured into her comm. "Rex, come in."

"For Pete's sake– Commander, are you okay?"

"Shush!" Ahsoka hissed. "I'm actually going to be killed and thrown through a trash shoot if you give away my position."

"What's your status?" Rex sighed.

"I have Wolffe. I need a pickup. He's out, but not for long."

"Hang in there, Commander. I'm on my way."

* * *

Wolffe groaned and cracked his eyes open. A blue and white sort of tail head looked down on him. Tailhead looked strangely familiar. Tailhead extended a lean hand and Wolffe felt it on his forehead.

He felt a whisper of a single word, sleep, and his vision faded again.

Just as quickly, Wolffe found himself waking once again. But this time, he felt different. He felt new and old all at the same time. He felt like... like Commander Wolffe.

"Wolffe," a gentle, feminine, and familiar voice whispered. "Wake up."

Wolffe groaned, squinting his eyes open. The same blue and white tailheaded, orange-skinned figure slid in and out of focus, finally remaining. A togruta. A child.

A child he knew.

Ahsoka Tano.

"Wolffe," Ahsoka whispered. "How do you feel?"

"Like me," Wolffe groaned, earning a small smile.

Another figure came into view. A blonde clone.


"Sorry about that whole capture ordeal. It had to be done," Rex clasped a hand over his shoulder. "You're a free man now, Wolffe. Once you recover you can go off where you please. Or, you could join me."

Ahsoka's small smile grew. Wolffe was really saved. Wolffe was really okay.

Ahsoka had failed to save countless others. But she'd saved Wolffe.

And Wolffe was okay. 


Word Count: 1,017

Published: Mar. 24, 2022

The ending is rather rushed. How fun. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment. 

Bye, peoples!

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