Like They Knew Each Other

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I am literally a human press machine right now, cranking out these fics like it's a marathon. 

This one was a bit of a roller coaster for me to write, first I was cackling, then I was hating a little, and then I was lovin' it. And also, I actually tried this really cool thing called "proof reading." Fun stuff. Very helpful. 

This was requested by mushycloud

Read on if you dare. 


Today was just not it, Kanan decided. The mission he, Ezra, and Ahsoka had gone on had gone south (not surprising) and of all the people they could've encountered, it just had to be Vader, a kriffing Sith Lord.

Kanan really wished he would've called in sick today, but then he remembered that he wasn't offered sick days in the first place.

Double Stang.

Ahsoka had previously been verbally battling with Vader, a slow, cold fight as they spat words at each other like acid with practiced precision.

"Are you implying I should fear you, your metallic majesty?" Ahsoka asked, her words dripping with mocking venom.

"Anakin Skywalker's padawan rarely won a duel without his assistance, much less against her master or any superior Jedi," parried Vadar.

"What about Mortis, you dimwitted magnet stub? Does Anakin Skywalker remember when I fought both him and Kenobi, or does his prideful shebs only remember the times he pushed a 14-year-old to the floor?"

"That wasn't you who held off the Jedi, you had the power of the Dark Side with you, and neither Jedi exhibited their full abilities in that fight."

Ezra's eyes went wide and Kanan felt his flash of terror upon hearing that Ahsoka had used the Dark Side. Kanan worked to mask his own surprise.

"I was possessed!"

Relief washed over Ezra and he glanced up at Kanan, whispering, "it's like they knew each other."

They did, but Ezra didn't know that, and Kanan wasn't going to be the one to tell him.

"You were weak, like Anakin Skywalker, and I will kill you like I killed him."

"My master was the strongest man I knew," Ahsoka shrieked, and at the same time, she and Vadar pounced at each other. Their sabers crashed and swung and Kanan and Ezra leapt forward to join the fight.

"Ezra!" Kanan shouted over the chaos. "Coms are down, go get Hera, we're gonna need a pick up!" He didn't foresee them winning this battle.


"Now is not the time for backtalk, get Hera!" Kanan screamed.

Ezra took off like a shot.

"Running again? You've always been a cowered," Vader said.

Kanan took personal offense to that one, especially because it was true, and aimed low for his feet while Vader was busy guarding his chest for Ahsoka. But, Vader, being a sith Lord, anticipated this and Force-shoved Kanan powerfully. Kanan felt the air whizzing past him, felt his head crash into something hard, and his consciousness was ripped from him.

He flickered back to awareness what couldn't have been too much later, because he could still feel the cold floor beneath him. But he couldn't hear the sounds of lightsabers crashing, and when he lifted his head, Ahsoka and Vader were gone. Since he was still alive, he assumed they'd danced to another room. Vader would've killed him if he'd already defeated Ahsoka.

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