Purple Moonflower

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Who woulda thought it's so hard to think of ways for one kid to save another kid? Well it was. It was still fun, but I literally sat there and festered in it for like two weeks. And I couldn't write anything else because Blue Moonflower and Purple Moonflower had to go back to back y'know? 

This was a request over on ao3

Read on if you dare.

"Miss Tano, perhaps you should answer question twenty-four."

Ahsoka snapped awake, eyes bleary and mind fuzzy. She mentally cursed herself for falling asleep. She hadn't yet recovered from her last mission and her teachers were obviously annoyed with this.

"Yeah, sure," Ahsoka said, her voice rough and cracky with sleep. "It's uh..." Kriff. What were they talking about? She glanced down at her paper and skimmed the question. Kriff, kriff, kriff... Her brain wasn't working.

From the corner of her eye, she saw a little jerk of motion, and automatically glanced over. It was Caleb, looking very focused and subtly holding up a hand signal. Plan B.

"Uh, it's B," Ahsoka said.

The teacher, for just a moment, looked a bit disappointed. She said, "Correct," and went to pick on another young Jedi who seemed to not be paying attention.

Ahsoka grinned gratefully back at Caleb, making a mental note to thank him later, maybe get him some candy. She turned back to the front of the class and made a great attempt to remain present for the class, but ended up out cold on her desk a few minutes later.

They were supposed to train together, but Caleb had a gut feeling that Ahsoka had forgotten. It was only two minutes past the time they'd agreed on. She hadn't showed up yet and Caleb doubted she would. He didn't know why, she could have a very valid excuse and show up in a few minutes.

Maybe it was the Force that drew him to his feet and through the halls down to Ahsoka and Master Skywalker's quarters. It must have been because he knew something was wrong the moment he got there.

Caleb, heart beating a little faster than it should've, called Ahsoka's name. He could hear something from inside, but it wasn't coherent. It almost sounded like... spluttering?

"Ahsoka? Please open the door!" Caleb called frantically, adrenaline starting to pump. "Ahso– AAH!" the door flew open suddenly and he fell inside, catching himself right in front of Ahsoka's kneeling form. He glanced up and felt himself blanch.

Ahsoka doubled over, sputtering and heaving, clawing at her neck.

"A-are you choking?!" Caleb gasped, and he knew it was stupid even before he said it because of course she was choking.

Caleb scrambled to his feet, whirled around, and pounded Ahsoka on her back. She flew forward, catching herself with her palms, and harsh coughs ripped from her throat. She wasn't choking anymore.

"That was scary," Caleb breathed, sitting back on the floor with relief.

"T-tell me ab-bout it," Ahsoka rasped with a harsh-sounding chuckle. "Thanks for the save."

"You're welcome."

"That's a really bad idea."

"I've had worse. You can ask literally anyone and they'll tell you about something way stupider," Ahsoka said, strategically sliding an IV out of her arm, pushing a cotton ball against it, and wrapping it tightly to stop the bleeding.

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