C to the K | Part 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Yay, part 2! I know I've already said this like four times, but we need more with Ahsoka and the Ghost crew. This one only has Kanan in it, but aaah, we need more!

Anyways, here we go. 

Read on if you dare. 

Kanan Jarrus was overwhelmed with stress.

He sat slouching in the co-pilot's seat in the cockpit of the Ghost, staring out at hyperspace. He wished it would just disappear. He wished he had a good method of getting rid of it.

When he dwelt as a younging at the Jedi Temple, he'd always go back to the same dark, cramped corner and cry.

Well, Kanan neither lived at the temple nor was a youngling. He didn't have time for such pettiness. A grown man crying? Pfft– please, it humoured him.

Additionally, he was supposed to be the fearless leader– the great example– for his crew... his family. They looked up to him. They admired him.

They also didn't know how bad he was with stress management.

Kanan let out a long breath. He still wanted to wish it all away.

The door slid open behind him. Silently, a figure with a calming presence sat down in the pilot's seat.

"What's wrong?" the Togruta asked.

"N-nothing," Kanan sighed.

"Liar," Ahsoka smirked, remembering how it used to go when they were younglings in the Jedi Temple.

"I don't want to take up your time," Kanan lied.

"I'm in no hurry," Ahsoka told him.

Kanan remained silent. He thought for a long moment about how it used to go when he was younger. Then he smiled a little.

"I feel really young right now," Kanan chuckled.

"It's how it always used to go," Ahsoka shrugged, no doubt feeling the same way. "Although you have gotten better with those mental shields."

"Heh, thanks," Kanan said.

"Did you try meditating?" Ahsoka suggested.

"No," Kanan sighed. "It's hard."

"Nothing worth doing is easy," Ahsoka reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah," Kanan groaned. "But there's something... else. There's a darkness to my meditation that wasn't there before. And when I access the Force, it's cold. I've been distancing myself from it, hoping it would leave."

"Hoping against hope again, I see?" Ahsoka raised her eye markings.

Kanan chuckled. "I guess I can't change everything about Caleb Dume."

"No, and I can't change everything about the naive teenager fighting in the war," Ahsoka sighed sadly. "If only I noticed..."

"Noticed what?" Kanan asked when her voice trailed off.

"Noticed the darkness," Ahsoka squeezed her eyes shut.

Kanan assumed she meant the darkness of the plots to end the war, although that seemed irrational, especially for Collected Ahsoka, considering it was an entire war. For the universe's sake, not even Yoda recognized it.

"But avoiding the darkness won't get you anywhere," Ahsok opened her eyes, straightening in her seat. "It's the empire... the Emperor and his new apprentice. You have to learn how to tell it off: avoiding it won't help you."

"So, meditate? Sort through it? Organize it?" Kanan raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, but there's more," Ahsoka began. "You have to know how the darkness works and you have to be trained to work with it... which you have been thanks to your training at the Temple."

"Right," Kanan let out another long breath.

"It's like a ticking bomb. Be careful," Ahsoka warned.

"Of course," Kanan agreed.

Silence lingered over them for a moment.

"Well, are you going to try it?" Ahsoka prompted.

"Try what? Meditate?"

She nodded.


Another nod.

Whoah, things really hadn't changed. Kanan shut his eyes and got to work.


Overcoming the darkness was harder than simply sorting through stress. It took much longer, too. But when Kanan opened his eyes, mentally drained, Ahsoka still sat in the pilot's seat. Her eyes were shut, but he hardly had to wonder if she was asleep because they opened again. Her brilliantly blue eyes brightened when she smiled.

"I sense your turmoil has calmed," Ahsoka reported.

"Yeah," Kanan agreed.

"So, what do you think about us after 'growing up?'" Ahsoka asked.

"What?" Kanan frowned.

"You know, the whole thing of when Jedi get older they lose creativity and problem-solving skills," Ahsoka laughed. "And they think the Force will solve all their problems if they meditate."

Kanan laughed. "You're not even a Jedi anymore."

"But you are," Ahsoka reasoned.

"I personally think I'm pretty cool," Kanan said, pushing imaginary glasses over his eyes and crossing his arms.

Ahsoka laughed. "You haven't changed one bit, have you?" she held out her hand to him. "Come on, let's go join the others in the common room."

Kanan took her hand and allowed her to pull him up. "Neither have you." 


Word Count: 827

Published: Apr. 27, 2022

Awww, cute and fluffy! Maybe my next story can have more of the Ghost crew in it! 

Kriff, I'm getting ahead of myself! 

Well, requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment!

Bye, peoples!

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora