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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

So, this may be physically incorrect because I know like ✨nothing✨ about sinkholes and, spoiler alert, there's gonna be a sinkhole in this one. 

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka stood next to Plo Koon in the War Room as Anakin briefed everyone on the mission. Plo Koon and his forces would be joining the 501st in bombing a Separatist base.

"...we'll sneak up on them and detonate the base before they attack," Anakin was saying. "We'll spend the night hiking on the back trails to get to the base. The trails are untamed and uneven, so we'll have to make slow progress. Once we get there, we'll quietly place the detonators in the red spots on this map and return back on the same trail. We'll detonate the base once we reach a safe distance. Any questions?"

No one said anything.

"Great. Get ready, we depart in an hour."


Anakin led the troops down the muddy, uneven path. The mud bubbled and wheezed around everyone's boots as they trudged along. It suctioned around their feet and made a popping, slurping sound as the feet broke free.

Spooky darkness loomed over the misty forests which the trail wound through.

"Master, how much longer until we reach the base?" Ahsoka said between grunts as she yanked her feet out of the mud to keep stepping along. The poor child's boots sank nearly halfway into the mud puddles. She had to make a great effort to move forward.

"Sorry, snips. We still have four klicks to go," Anakin said apologetically.

Ahsoka sighed heavily but didn't complain. She lurched forward to yank her foot out of the ground again, but her leg twisted. Anakin stopped as Ahsoka restrained a hiss, righted herself, and yanked her foot free from the mud. She eased her expression and plunged her foot forward, back into the mud. Anakin didn't say anything because she seemed to manage without much trouble, but that didn't stop him from worrying.

Plo seemed to share the same worry. He quickened his pace to catch up to Ahsoka.

"How are you faring, Little 'Soka?" Plo set his hand on her shoulder.

"It's a bit hard to walk and my boots are really muddy, but I'm okay," Ahsoka assured him.

Plo didn't press her about her ankle. Ahsoka was the stubbornest child he'd ever met and conversating with her would only be a distraction. She'd been injured much more gravely before so she could though out a little twisted ankle.

The group approached a fork in the path. Anakin held up a fist and the group came to a halt. He pulled out his holo map. Studying the map, Anakin pointed to the left path and began walking. "This is the fasted route," he announced. Rex stepped ahead of him, surveying the land.

As they walked along, Ahsoka began twitching and flicking her glow-in-the-dark eyes back and forth. Her anxiety levels rose and leaked out of her secure mental barriers. Anakin, unnerved, began glancing around. She obviously sensed something that he didn't.

"Ahsoka, is something wrong?" Anakin whispered between his teeth.

Ahsoka abruptly halted. The ground below the group quaked and rumbled. Ahsoka's eyes blew wide with urgency and she whirled around.

"RUN!" Ahsoka shrieked, thrusting her hands forward to Force-push the surrounding troopers away. Everyone tumbled back, including Anakin and Plo, except for the clone behind her.

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now