Forever Grateful

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

A few things for today! First: this was requested by A_wolf_from_Lothal (stupid tags) Second: it is about ADHD and I DO NOT have ADHD. I did my research, but I still feel super unqualified so expect mistakes. Third: I am SO sorry this request took me so long, I was super paranoid about it being inaccurate :(


Read on if you dare. 

"Sit still, Ahsoka."

Ahsoka tried. She really did, but she couldn't. No matter how hard she tried. Sitting still made all her limbs tingle and her skin got all prickly and stuffy under her robes and—

"Miss Tano! Be still!"

Ahsoka froze, the eyes of the other younglings burning through the back of her head. She stared at the floor in front of her. But a moment later, she was back to bouncing her crossed legs.

"She's a child, and one who is used to running free and hunting nonetheless," Master Plo told her instructor, saving the day. "This is to be expected for the first meditation lesson."

Her instructor looked less than pleased, probably because the other younglings weren't rustling their cloaks loudly like Ahsoka was. But her instructor left her be. After all, every child was fidgety at this young age.


"Ahsoka, how about you answer this question?" said her instructor, gesturing to the black board.

Ahsoka squinted at the letters written on the board. They were loopy, almost like flower petals that fat bees would hobble around on before going back to the hive. She'd heard of bee farmers before, and she wondered if it was expensive. The Jedi allowance would definitely not cover the price, since they weren't given much. But the Temple was so lavish, they had to have a lot stored somewhere. So how did they get the money? Donations? Fundraisers? A picture of Mace Windu scrubbing windows for a fundraiser popped into her head, and—

"Do you need a hint on the answer?" The instructor's voice snapped her back to reality.

Ahsoka blinked hard. "Um... uh..."

The instructor shook his head at Ashoka. "How about you, Shalda?"

A purple-skinned girl in the front of the class chirped back with an answer Ahsoka never caught. She was too busy stewing in shame. She'd always been the "bad" student, one who caused trouble and never did her work right.

But she never meant any of it. She wanted to take loads of notes and listen to every word of her instructors and do all her work perfectly. Determination rippled through her.

Determination that quickly fizzled away when her instructor passed out the assignment. She started out with a brow furrowed with focus. Then her brain started reeling and the next thing she knew, the paper was absolutely covered in random doodles.

Another day where she got to be the difficult kid, and her teacher looked down at her with a shaking head and disappointment painted over every feature.


Anakin didn't really know what a normal kid should do with their room, but he was pretty sure it wasn't... whatever his new padawan did.

He'd meant to talk to her about something, but it'd left his mind as soon as she gave him permission to step inside. Her bed was perfectly made— all tucked blankets, crisp corners, and no wrinkles. But there were random robes and school supplies scattered all over the floor, even if her desk wasn't too cluttered. The strangest part of all, however, were the walls.

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