Magic Medic Hands| Whumptober Day 9

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I'm not deaaaaad~

So first of all I'd like to apologize for dropping off the face of the earth for like, a month. Between internet and technology issues, my busy schedule, entering a novelette contest, and life in general, I haven't had much time for writing fanfiction.  So thanks for your patience, and thanks for all the nice messages I recieved becuase those mean the world to me :)

I also went to publish stuff like three times but I kept loosing day 8 (it's on ao3 in another fandom) and I couldn't publish 9 or 10 until I got 8 published becuase I'm a profectionist

Now since it's Christmas Eve, I'd like to give all ye peoples a gift. I've got two fics for you today and a Christmas special coming out tomorrow! 

This was requested by basically everyone and is a sequel to day 7. Love you all, sorry for the long a/n, okay I'm done now. 

Read on if you dare. 

Kix was a miracle worker, and he indeed worked a miracle.

Tano held onto the threads of life until they made it to Coruscant thanks to him. She was immediately shipped off to the temple where the Jedi could use their connection to their Jedi magic and heal her.

Rex stood with Kix as they watched the procession of healers shrink to tiny dots and then disappear around the side of the Jedi Temple.

"She'll be okay," Rex said, maybe more to himself than Kix.

"If they don't kill her first," Kix scoffed.

"They won't."

Kix sighed. He'd never agreed with how the Healers ran things. Sure, they could work wonders, but their patient's recovery periods were arranged sloppily and loosely. They were cocky with their powers, Kix told everyone, and he'd keep his Jedi in his med-bay for as long as he could.

"I'm getting her out as soon as I can."

Rex let the grin slide onto his face. "Already arranging a prison-break squad."

Kix grinned right back. "Sir yes sir."


"General," Rex nearly choked on his food when he thought he saw a zombie appear in the entrance of the mess hall. "What the kriff happened to you?"

"Ha-ha," Anakin mumbled.

The other men began turning their attention to their General, and Harcase shrieked and tumbled from the bench. "No, General! He's serious," Hardcase cried. "Did you get hit by a speeder?!"

"No. I did not." Anakin dropped his face into his hands. "It's... it's Ahsoka. I think she's dying."

The immediate silence was nearly crippling. No one dared to even breathe.

"With all due respect, Sir," someone called out after far too many beats of silence. "You're a liar."

Anakin raised his eyebrows. "Is that so, Trooper? Go ahead, enlighten me. Tell me how I'm lying when I was the one who's been watching her die in her bed!" His eyes shone with anger and tears.

"I— Sir," the trooper sputtered, "I may not know exactly her condition or have been there like you have, but I do know one thing: Commander Tano of the 501st is no quitter: she's a fighter. She's not gonna quit on us anytime soon."

"So we're not gonna quit on her!"

Cheers erupted through the mess hall and Anakin hid his face, shoulders shaking. "You can't say that! No matter what you say, she's still dying."

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