Torn | Part 2

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

Two updates in one day? Whaaaa? 

I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I won't be updating for a little bit after this, so you get two today! 

Why not get two flies with one frog tongue? Sorry, that's kinda weird. 

Read on if you dare.

For the next day, Ahsoka locked herself in her quarters. She didn't eat, she couldn't sleep, and time blurred. Ahsoka tried to put herself back together, to pick up her own pieces, but all that resulted was a sloppy, unrecognizable sculpture that crumbled again.

All Ahsoka seemed to be able to do was meditate. She meditated so much that her head began to ache every time she tried to use the force.

When Ahsoka finally checked the time, she found that it was 0947. Anakin would start to fret about her if she didn't show up for training, which was normally at 1000. So she reluctantly picked herself up from the floor, clipped her lightsabers to her belt, and carried herself down to the training room.

Ahsoka checked the training room they normally trained in. Anakin wasn't there, but the training room was moderately full and Anakin didn't prefer training when the rooms had so many people.

So Ahsoka checked another training room, the one he was most likely going to be in. Anakin wasn't among the few in the training room. Ahsoka moved on to the next room. Again, Anakin wasn't there.

Ahsoka checked every training room in the temple. Twice. By then, the time read 1019. No Anakin anywhere.

Anakin was constantly late. Maybe he just slept late or something.

Making her way up to his quarters, she pushed through her throbbing headache and used the force to scan for his signature. He wasn't in his quarters. Ahsoka widened her search, despite the pain, and searched throughout the temple.

The Force swirled around her and the number of signatures she could sense made her head swim. Ahsoka's eyes shot open and she staggered back into the wall, hardly catching herself on it in time.

Anakin wasn't at the temple. Even through all the signatures, she would've been able to sense his. Anakin always shone as brightly as fire.

Ahsoka opened their Force bond. She nudged it but didn't allow any emotion to seep through. No response ever came. Anakin had closed his side off.

A bit hurt, Ahsoka stumbled to Obi-Wan's quarters. He didn't answer his door, so she let herself in.

Obi-Wan was busy with mission reports or something along those lines. He wasn't in his quarters. Ahsoka moved on.

Cody was at 79's or somewheres that had drinks. Ahsoka wanted to check up with him, but that would have to wait.

Ahsoka made her way to the 501st barracks. They, too, were empty. The 501st had probably gone out as well. She decided to leave the barracks, since no one was there, and head back to her quarters at the temple.

And it made her feel so... alone. The Jedi temple bustled with all sorts of people doing all sorts of things. Ahsoka walked through the hallways and watched them pass her. There were so many of them. And yet she had never felt so lonely.

Ahsoka collapsed on her sleeping mat and stared at the ceiling. With another idea, she reached for her com and called Padmé. No one answered the call.

Tears trickled down Ahsoka's face. She had no one left to go to. Barriss was off on a mission, so she wasn't an option, either.

The trickle of salty water turned into a steady, overflowing stream.

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon