The Imperfect Master

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This is the second part of "The Perfect Padawan"

Eeek! I get to watch Tales of The Jedi in a few hours! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! I'm so excited!!! I can't wait to see it!

Read on if you dare. 

Anakin Skywalker was, by no possible means, the perfect master.

He knew it, Obi-Wan knew it, the Council knew it... everyone knew it, but that was okay. No one was perfect: there was always room for improval. And anyway, he was managing quite well, if he did say so himself.

Well, at first, it was a bit rough.

Ahsoka Tano, his new padawan, was inexperienced and reckless. Nothing a little training couldn't fix, though.

He also hadn't wanted a padawan at the time, believing that she'd just slow her down. Turns out she kept him on his toes more than ever!

Ahsoka was superior in all skills for her age, and she never stopped improving. After being apprenticed to him, her studies and physical capabilities began increasing five times faster than before. So, overall, Anakin must've been doing something right.

Seriously, Anakin hadn't believed there was such a thing as a perfect person, but if there was, Ahsoka Tano would be that.

She was the "dream padawan" with the attitude every master wished for in their students. She was diligent with her work and studies and even took on more responsibilities than were required of her. On top of that, Ahsoka was very independent and obedient, going above and beyond expectations without requiring much assistance.

That meant Anakin got to spend more time with Padme than he could ever dream of having, given all the secrecy and their professions. But Ahsoka was amazing and she allowed him that time. He didn't even have to talk to her or help her with homework since she was so smart!

Since their first encounter, she'd grown on him quite a bit. He found that he actually quite enjoyed the company of the girl and they made a very effective team on the battlefield.

Ahsoka was truly the perfect padawan. His perfect padawan. It made him so proud and warm on the inside.

But better yet, Ahsoka's confidence showed that she very much knew how great of a student she truly was, so he didn't even have to tell her. She would certainly get plenty of praise from her other elders, yes?

Life was just smooth sailing.

Anakin was lounging on the plush sofa in Padme's apartment one evening while watching a holo-film with his wife. He had his feet up on the table, his hands behind his head, and his wife curled up next to him. Paradise.

"Anakin," Padme peeped, peering up from her mug of tea.

"Yes, love?"

"I'm enjoying the time I have with you–"

"So am I," Anakin interrupted before she could go further. He smiled down at her, but her expression was more playfully annoyed rather than happy.

"I wasn't finished," Padme said.

"I'm sorry. Continue," Anakin urged.

"As I was saying," she drew out the word pointedly, "I'm enjoying our time together, don't get me wrong, but don't you think you're being a bit neglectful of Ahsoka?"


"Ahsoka, your padawan?" Padme narrowed her eyes. "Don't you think you should spend a bit more time with her?"

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