Nice to Meet You, Thanks For Saving My Life

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Whoah, this one was quite chaotic to write. I tore it apart and rewrote it like seventeen times (it was actually 3). I like how this one is set up, and I like how the different points of view are provided. 

Read on if you dare. 

"We've got another mission," Anakin announced, patting Ahsoka so hard on the back that she nearly choked on her breakfast.

"Where to?" Ahsoka sputtered.

Anakin plopped down on the bench next to her. "Coruscant. There's an event that several senators will be attending tonight, and one of the senators has been sent several threats. She still has to make an appearance tonight, so you and I will be her guards.

"Okay," Ahsoka nodded. "What's the plan and all?"

"Well, there's gonna be a parade, and you're going to walk along with the floats and make sure no one dangerous is hiding out in them. When the parade ends, the senators are going to do a meet-and-greet with the citizens. I'm going to stay next to the senator and you're going to stay around about a 50-meter perimeter so you can react before any danger gets to her," Anakin explained.

"Got it," Ahsoka said.

"Remember, Snips, your job is very important," Anakin told her firmly.

"Yes, Master," Ahsoka replied. "And who is this senator?"

A smile ghosted Anakin's lips. "Her name is Senator Amidala."

⧫    ⧫    ⧫

Darth Sidious grinned darkly over his evil plans. Everything was conspiring perfectly. As arranged, the threats had been sent to a certain senator of Naboo, the Jedi had taken notice, and a certain Skywalker had been assigned to protect her.

Also as it had been arranged, an assassin was positioned around the city square where the event would take place. And, arranged as well, a certain Skywalker would be unable to stop the assassin in time to save a certain senator of Naboo, therefore dragging him further towards the dark side.

⧫    ⧫   ⧫

A few hours later, Ahsoka walked through the crowded streets of Coruscant. Her montrals already ached from the amount of sound rising from around them. The sirens signalling the start of the parade blared and cheering erupted.

Ahsoka gritted her teeth and squeezed her eyes shut, painfully reminded about the downsides to montrals. Her head and headgear pounded excruciatingly. But Ahsoka pushed the complaint away because she had a more important task.

The senator.

It was Ahsoka's objective to keep the senator safe, and she planned to make sure she did that. Ahsoka kept her signature shielded and her senses hyper-aware with the Force. She needed to remain as attentive as possible.

Parade floats dragged by slowly and Ahsoka scanned each one. She found no danger in the floats, so she continued patrolling the streets, examining the buildings and crowds.

Darkness had stirred through the Force ever since Ahsoka set foot on this mission. It kept nagging her and she paid attention to it, but she didn't know where the danger was coming from.

The parade eventually finished and the meet-and-greet with the senators began. At this point, Ahsoka's stomach churned from the uneasiness of the Force. She continued stalking the city square and frantically wracked her brain about where an assassin could be hiding.

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