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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

This story was really super enjoyable to write. I got the idea from @KassandraofSparta47 so thank you so much for that idea!

I don't want to spoil it, so, 

Read on if you dare.

"What are you drinking?"

Anakin startled, still acclimating to having a little padawan around. She'd only been there for three days– or four, Anakin was too lazy to count and too tired to remember off the top of his head. He glanced up at her. She looked exhausted, yet as curious as a baby convor.

"It's called caf. It has caffeine, which helps you feel not-so-tired for a while," Anakin explained.

"I know what caffeine does," Ahsoka said, "but I've never had caf before. Can I try some?"

What harm could it do? Anakin thought to himself. "Sure, the caf dispenser is right over there. Start with a smaller cup and fill it up. You can add sweetener and cream if you want."

Ahsoka scampered over to the caf dispenser. Anakin didn't bother watching how much sweetener or cream she added. He turned back and stared at his reflection in the dark liquid.

"Whoah, this is really good," Ahsoka appeared at his side, plopping down on the bench next to him.

"I know," Anakin grinned. Then he puffed out a sigh. He was so tired. Not even this caf was waking him up. He'd have to give in to sleep until they got out of transit. Once he finished his caf, if he still felt like this, he'd go to his quarters.

"Whoah," Ahsoka cooed beside him again. "Why have I never eaten this stuff before? It's so good!"

"You don't eat caf, Ahsoka. You drink it."

"Same difference. But why have I never eaten this before?" Ahsoka squealed. "It's so extremely awesomely amazing!!"

"Maybe because the Jedi temple doesn't offer adult drinks to younglings," Anakin shrugged. "Caf isn't good for young people."

"So I'm not a young person anymore? I'm basically an adult now, aren't I?" Ahsoka grinned. "That makes me so so so so so so so so happy! I like being all mature and grown-up! It's so awesomely amazingly awesomely wizardly awesomely greatly exuberating! See, I even used a big word. I'm so mature I have great, awesome, amazing vocabulary!"

Anakin's sluggish, sleepy brain just then began registering Ahsoka's sudden change of energy. He poked a wary eye at her and watched her loudly slurp her small cup of caf.

"This. Is. So. Good," Ahsoka huffed. "I'm going to eat this for every meal from now on."

"You drink caf," Anakin corrected.

"I don't care!" Ahsoka snapped, though she didn't sound angry. "I love this stuff and I will consume it forever and ever and ever and ever and–" she stopped to tip the cup and slurp more caf. "--EVER!"

"Hey, Snips, maybe you should slow down on that..." Anakin suggested hesitantly.

"Already done!" Ahsoka dumped the last swallow of caf in her mouth. She grinned like a maniac. "Watch me crush this cup!"

Before Anakin could stop her, Ahsoka tightened her fist around the disposable cup, pounded her chest, and let out a loud bellow. She then proceeded to rip the cup to shreds and throw it over her head like it was confetti. Ahsoka spun and danced as the light material fluttered to the ground around her.

"Can I have summore? I want summore!" Ahsoka cheered, pumping her fists in the air.

"No, I think you've had enough–"

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now