Get Down! | Febuwhump Day 16

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I'm still tiiiiiiirrreeeddd and I'm gonna have a reaaaaallllyyyy long day tomorrow. Come on, it's pi day tomorrow!! Can't I just get a break for pi day???
My Schedule said no :(

Anawayyy, I've been waiting to write this fic since the beginning of February, so yay, something fun! Today's prompt is "Semi-Conscious" and it was requested by I_Am_Snips

Read on if you dare. 

"Master, we're going to need reinforcements!" Ahsoka shouted into her com, barely moving quickly enough to deflect the fresh wave of bullets sent from the battle droids.

"Hang in there, Snips. There's a platoon around a klick or two from your position," Anakin replied, his voice almost drowned out by the static of the com. "Things down here are calmer."

"Got it, thanks Master," Ahsoka said. The line went dead and she put her full focus into protecting the remaining uninjured troopers.

At that exact moment, the Force sent a tingle down her entire form, a nerve-scraping warning, and time slowed down. Ahsoka dropped her lightsabers and heard them hit the ground.

"Get down!" she screamed as loud as she could.

Without question, the clones dove to the ground, but not fast enough.


A gust of hot air pulsed from nearby and a ball of orange flames swelled from the place.

Ahsoka shoved her arms out in front of her and pressed them outward, feeling the power of the Force course through her whole being. She squeezed her eyes shut and focused.

The debris from the explosion shot through the air, crashing into the force field Ahsoka had created around the clones and herself. Everything that hit the invisible field felt like a stone to her skin, but she locked herself in place and stayed there.

The moments of the flying debris and raging flames felt like an eternity to Ahsoka. The flames enveloped the force field and Ahsoka felt like she was being fried alive.

Then the heat drew back, a sharp sliver of shrapnel pierced the shield, and Ahsoka's defenses gave out. She felt something solid hit her and when she opened her eyes, all she could see was blue. And all she could feel was hot. White, hot, blinding pain. Blue and hurt.

Sky, she decided. Sky and pain.

Was she dying?

Sky, pain, and... Kix? Yeah, Kix.

"Commander Tano, stay with me," Kix's voice cut through the fog of her mind. "Keep your eyes open."

Ahsoka just then realized that she'd shut her eyes and she confusedly blinked them open to see the blue.

Why was there blue again?

Another two faces popped into Ahsoka's vision. Huh. That looked like Rex and... Jesse. Yeah.

"Hey, kid, focus on me," Rex said. Ahsoka squinted up at him, trying to focus. "That's it. Keep your eyes open for me."

A sudden pain tore through her and she cried out sharply from the pain, her fingers digging into the earth around her.

"Hey, hey," Jesse urged, taking her hand and giving it a small squeeze. "Stay with us. It's okay. Everything is going to be okay."

Another bout of pain jerked a piercing scratch from her.

"Sorry, Commander, we aren't going to be able to give you any painkillers," one of them said. She couldn't even tell who was speaking anymore.

Ahsoka tried to take a deep breath and blinked at her blurry vision. She looked upward and saw blue.

Blue? Was she in an ocean?

"Ready? Stay with us."

Fresh, nauseating pain swam through Ahsoka and she squeezed her hands into fists in an attempt to keep her stomach intact and a scream inside her throat. She heard a squeak to her side and her eyes darted over to the source, a clone. Jesse? Yeah, and she had his hand.

"Rex, she's breaking my hand," Jesse gritted out in a high-pitched voice.

"Stop whining."

New pain rushed through Ahsoka, and she choked on the feeling. She tightened her hand more and more, trying to combat the horrible sensation rippling over her in waves. But after a while, her exhausted mind became numb to the pain, as if it was trying to cover it up. She felt distant pain underneath her exhaustion, as if it wasn't her own, as if she was detached.

"Keep your eyes open," a voice said sternly.

Ahsoka snapped her eyes open, realizing that they'd drifted shut again, and again, she was met with blue.

A changing, warping blue.

Lighter blue and brighter blue and paler blue and grayer blue and blacker blue and bluer blue and blue blue and blue blue blue... blue... blue... blue...

Commander Tano? Commander? Kix, we're losing her!

And black.


Ahsoka felt herself surfacing from unconsciousness in an odd state of peace, as though the Force was a warm blanket cocooning her snugly. Her eyes fluttered open and she took a moment to breathe, ignoring the tangy aroma of clean.

"Good morning, young one."

"'Morning, Master Kenobi," Ahsoka said softly, her voice not yet functioning properly. "Anakin?"

"He's taking a shower. Kix threatened to kick him out and not allow him back inside if he didn't get cleaned up. He smelled quite... like a battlefield," Obi-Wan said.

Ahsoka chuckled tiredly. "I'd believe it." She yawned and sighed. "What happened? I don't remember."

"You saved many lives today, Ahsoka," Obi-Wan said proudly. "Do you remember anything at all?"

Ahsoka wrinkled her nose in thought. "I think... blue?"

Obi-Wan chuckled at that and told her he didn't know where she would've gotten that. He then told her what had happened, and just as he finished, Anakin came bursting in.

"Snips!" Anakin cried, rushing over to her to give her a half-hug, leaning awkwardly over her medical cot.

"Hey... hey," Ahsoka said, trying to push him away. "You're dripping on me and you smell like a wet dog."

"Rude," Anakin scoffed, but he sat back in the chair next to Obi-Wan's.

Ahsoka snorted at him, then yawned again.

"You should get some rest," Obi-Wan said. "You must be exhausted.

Ahsoka hummed, her energy fading too quickly to waste it on forming words.

"Don't try to fight it, Ahsoka," Anakin said gently, and with a suggestion laced around his next words, "Get some Sleep."

With that, Ahsoka drifted off to the most peaceful sleep she'd had in what felt like years. 


Word Count: 989

Published: March 13, 2023

Welcome to the chronicles of I'm about to complain about my life: 

I swear I'm getting shin splints right now and it REALLY KRIFFING HURTS. Also I really don't want tomorrow to come. And I want some toast with cinnamon sugar on it. And why is it so hard to spell cinnamon? 

Thank you for coming to my TED talk. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Bye, peoples! 

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