Teamwork | Part 2

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Heyo human beings from outer space!

Part two because nobody aaaaasked for it but I wanted to aaaaaanyway! 

Trigger warning for blood/gore. 

Read on if you dare. 

Boba grumbled as he rubbed two sticks together. This was how to start a fire, right? Why wasn't it working?

With a frustrated groan, Boba shoved the sticks away and glared at the small pile of wood. "Start, stupid fire!" Boba growled. He picked up the sticks and started sawing the sticks together.

Darkness started falling over whatever planet he was stuck on, and so came the bitter coldness. Boba shivered and sawed more aggressively.

A rustling sound came from behind Boba. He glanced over her shoulder and saw Ahsoka emerging from the forest area. She dragged some sort of bloody, dead animal behind her.

"I got dinner," Ahsoka shouted over her shoulder, hauling the carcass over to him. She stopped next to him and plopped down in the sand. "What are you doing?"

"I'm starting a fire, what does it look like?" Boba snapped.

"It looks like you're playing with sticks in the sand. You're doing it wrong," Ahsoka shoved him aside. "Move over."

"As if you could do any better," Boba growled, even though he knew she probably could.

Ahsoka just rolled her eyes, then shut them. She sat back on her knees and held her hands over the fire.

"Get more wood," Ahsoka ordered.


"More wood. This fire needs more firewood," Ahsoka repeated, sounding mildly annoyed. "Hurry up."

"And why should I do it? Why not you?" Boba scoffed.

Ahsoka sighed, opening her eyes and letting her hands drop. "Well, you couldn't start the fire, and you didn't find the food..."

"And what?" Boba growled.

"And I thought you said you were a man," Ahsoka feigned disappointment and tisked.

Boba clenched his jaw and snapped his head up to stare her in the face. It was dark, and Boba hadn't looked at her face closely since she'd gotten back. He'd failed to previously notice that blood smeared her face.

He yelped. "What the kriff did you do to your face!?"

"What do you mean?" Ahsoka quirked a lip, revealing her blood-stained teeth and a giant fang.

Boba was ready to jump out of his skin. "There's blood everywhere!"

"Oh, yeah," Ahsoka rubbed at her face. "I killed this animal. I bit it a few times in the neck."

Boba blinked at her, horrified.

"What's wrong? Are you too far from a man to take it?" Ahsoka faked a pout.

That girl was really starting to get on his nerves.

"I'm going to get firewood," Boba huffed, standing up.

"I'll help," Ahsoka got to her feet. "We need it fast because it's getting cold."

Ahsoka and Boba went to just the edge of the forest to pick up fallen tree limbs and smaller sticks. Ahsoka showed him which ones to choose. As she was picking up wood from the base of a certain tree, a limb suddenly slapped into her face.

"Ouch!" Ahsoka hissed. "Okay, okay, I'll play nice, stop doing that."

"What's wrong with you?" Boba narrowed his eyes at her. What a strange one she was.

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