One Question: What's Your Favorite Color? | Part Two | Febuwhump Day 24

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Heyyyyyyyyyy loooookkkkiiieeee it's Juuuuuuuuunnnneeeeee

And I'm going to attemmpt to publish a new story every day this month... for like ten days until I disappear off the face of the planet for 6 days because YOU GUESSED IT, it's summer and it's time to do summer stuff with little children!!

Anywayyyy yesterday I had a cup of coffee and I was so shaky from all the caffine so I'm never doing that again but please enjoy this story that was partially written while I was on an unholy caffine high :)

This was requested by TeaTheBagsRoyalKT, and basically everyone else :D

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka thought her heart would beat straight out of her, ripping a hole in her chest. Either that her lungs would give up on her and her airways would break. She squeezed her eyes shut, breathing shallowly through her teeth as she tightened her grip around Anakin's hand.

She could feel every little movement Kix made as he stabbed and stretched at the wound a jagged piece of shrapnel left her.

Ahsoka had never before wanted to pass out so badly. She liked to play tough, but she didn't care anymore. She just wanted some painkillers.

And yet for some reason, she was still trying to keep it all in, hold back the tears, swallow the screams...

"How much longer?" Ahsoka gritted out, her voice and breath strangled in her throat.

"Almost there," Kix said, a hint of apology in his voice. "We'll scrounge up some sort of painkillers for you." He glanced back pointedly at the mystery woman who Ahsoka had yet to meet but who was also pulling a look of pity that made Ahsoka think they might not get along.

The woman pivoted and started fumbling around in boxes scattered about the room. Ahsoka tried to focus on the sound, but fresh, sharp pain jarred her attention back on Kix.

Finally, the jostling stopped and Kix sat back for a moment to observe his work. Ahsoka chanced opening her watery eyes and sucked in a shuddering breath. Anakin squezed her hand, giving her a comforting smile. She didn't try to smile back because she knew it'd simply come out as a pained grimace.

"I could only find these," said the mystery woman in a thick accent. She reached out and dumped a few pills into Kix's hands that looked ancient and a little gross.

Kix brought them close to his face and stared at them for a long moment. "Not the greatest, but they'll alleviate the pain a little and it doesn't look like they're expired. Want some water?"

Ahsoka shook her head, taking the pills and gulping them down dry. Kix shook his head and grumbled something about not liking it when she did that before turning around and gathering up all the old medical supplies.

Ahsoka closed her eyes and let herself relax against the old, raggedy couch for a second. Tolerating the pain had sucked the energy out of her and she felt the same way she did after one of those long, fast runs. Just without the adrenaline.

"What's next?" she asked after a moment when she heard Kix dumping all the equipment into a box.

"Next, we just located the rest of our people, being held captive some klicks away," Echo said.

"Obi-Wan's on his way, so we're gathering up to get everyone out and get off this rock," Anakin finished, his voice dripping with bitterness as he checked his lightsaber.

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