Why Doesn't She Like Me? | Febuwhump Day 21

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Guess what??? This is another 3 +1 fic and I loooooooveee these things for no reason in particular. Also I started watching The Rookie so that's fun.

This isn't a request, but I promise I haven't forgotten about all your lovely ideas! I've just had this little plot bunny inside my head for a fat minute and realllllllyyy wanted to crackpot and thus this is it.

The prompt is "shackles" and here's a link to the audio:

Read on if you dare.


Ahsoka awoke to the smell of mold and something covered by a powerful, sickly-sweet, cinnamony stench. She felt heavy all over, lethargic, and her head was a gas lamp crowded with fog that didn't want to clear.

She'd been drugged, she realized grudgingly. Even with her mind slow, she recognized the feeling immediately.

Ahsoka tried to move but found it even more difficult than she'd anticipated. Her fingers twitched and curled weakly around the sort of bedding covering the floor. Animal bedding. Straw?

The door on the other side of the room banged open and Ahsoka tilted her head to the side to see who it was. Hondo. Hondo Ohnaka.

Oh, it's you, Ahsoka wanted to say, but she couldn't move her lips to say it.

Hondo, on seeing that she was awake, somehow managed to look both dispirited and elated at the same time. "I see you are awake," he said, sounding the same way he looked. "Well good morning, young lady."

Ahsoka managed to roll her eyes at him. He chuckled heartily.

"I'm glad to see that you're waking up okay. I think we could've knocked out a bantha with the amount of-" Hondo saw the sharp look on Ahsoka's face, and quickly said, "And anyway that Skywalker would've killed me if you were dead and then I couldn't be rich so here we are!"

Ahsoka wanted to slug him.

Hondo snapped at two of his men who appeared through the doorway after him and they started advancing towards Ahsoka.

"I was hoping that you wouldn't wake up," Hondo said with a sigh. "You're a lot more cooperative when you aren't awake."

Hondo's men hauled Ahsoka to her feet. She tottered but managed to stand on her own as they bound her hands together. Somehow, being upright cleared her mind and when she began moving her feet, though heavily, she was ready to plot an escape.

"What are you going to do to me?" Ahsoka croaked, making an effort to clear her voice. "You know the Jedi won't pay a ransom and my master will only be here to break me out before you can stop him."

Hondo laughed. "My dear, I am not asking for a ransom. I am selling you to some grubby slave people. Then I'll tip off your master before Skywalker knows it was me and he'll go kill them instead. Those slavers are... how do I say... not very resourceful."

"How long?" Ahsoka asked, ignoring Hondo's cockiness. He shoved Ahsoka into their mess hall with the floor sticky with spilled drinks and other fluids that Ahsoka didn't want to think of.

"Oh, soon, very soon." a sly smile crept across his face. "So in the meantime, I'd like you to entertain us!"

Ahsoka didn't want to do any entertaining, but before she could say so, Hondo's men shoved her up onto a table. Other pirates swarmed around the table immediately, chanting and screaming for her to dance. Ahsoka refused at first, looking around for an escape, but the pirates posed a great obstacle in her way.

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