But Not Today | Christmas Special

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

As promised, here is a Christmas fic for Christmas! 

Do you ever do that thing where you stand up on your knee just weird enough and your entire shin shatters? I've done that twice already this morning and played my first game of chess. That's just christmas morningfor ya!

This was requested by DyslexiccRatt.

Read on if you dare.

Ahsoka had never celebrated Life Day until she became Anakin Skywalker's padawan. It was a tradition for Anakin, as his mom had always done it with him, and Ahsoka concluded that it had to be one of the happiest days of the year. Even Padmé and Obi-Wan joined in the Wookie-originated celebration.

But this year, Life Day didn't bring her any sort of joy. It'd been exciting at first, with gift shopping, goodie baking, and singing, but not anymore. Not after the previous mission.

Ahsoka woke with a shiver on Life Day morning and tried to go back to sleep, but her brain didn't comply and she couldn't ignore the bitter bite of the cold. She supposed laying in bed all day would be in no way beneficial. Grudgingly, she dragged herself out of bed.

The chrono told her it was half an hour past sunrise. Maybe some natural light would help. Ahsoka threw open her curtains, but only gray clouds and the artificial white flakes of Coruscant greeted her. On a normal Life Day, snow would've elated her. Today it only felt gloomy.

Ahsoka wandered out to the kitchen, ignoring the tree dressed in shiny ornaments and colorful string lights she couldn't be bothered to turn on. All the wrapped gifts had already been transported to Padmé's apartment, which was for the best considering Ahsoka was in the mood to throw them out the window.

The kitchen, thankfully, was mostly void of any festive decorations. Obi-Wan had made sure of it, considering how hazardous Anakin's cooking attempts always were, and anything extra in the kitchen was a fire danger. But there was no cooking in this kitchen today, not even warming up pastries for breakfast with her masters.

Instead she swallowed down some rations and sat at the counter to work on homework. If anyone else celebrated Life Day at the temple, they kept it small and quiet because none of the day's usual activities were canceled– not even classes. Anakin liked to pull her out for the day, but he couldn't do that this year.

She had an hour before she needed to be in her first class, and it crawled by at a painfully slow pace. Ahsoka dropped her head to the counter with a groan and listened to the silence buzz in her montrals. Life Day was never supposed to be quiet.

Clases went as usual, boring and uneventful.

Ahsoka dragged her feet all the way back to her quarters. She wanted today to be over already. Her comm pinged with a message from Rex inviting her to join the boys in the barracks for some games. She wasn't up to it. She made an excuse of not feeling well and collapsed onto her bed.

But once again, laying in bed would only make today worse.

So she forced herself to get up and headed to the nearest open training room. Training always passed the time, and it occupied her brain enough.

The effects were (thankfully) exactly as she anticipated. She worked herself until her muscles screamed in protest and turned to jelly in rebellion. Then she wobbled her way back to her quarters, which were still that same horrible quiet.

Life Day shouldn't be quiet.

Ahsoka squeezed her lightsabers so tightly her hands cramped to fight off the urge to throw them at the wall. Her eyes prickled with tears.

Don't cry, Ahsoka. Jedi don't cry.

She was shaking. It must be the hunger. She hadn't eaten since the rations that morning– that must be it. Ahsoka stumbled to the kitchen, barely holding herself together, and forced another ration down her throat. She brewed tea to wash it down, making it the way Obi-Wan always did. It did nothing to calm her quaking hands.

She took only two steps before her shaking sloshed the tea over the sides of the mug. It splashed onto her finger, scorching them, and she dropped the mug with a shriek. It hit the floor and shattered into a million pieces.

For a long moment, Ahsoka just stared.

Then she broke like the mug, composure shattering into violent sobs and fat tears.


"And you're here to see....?"

"Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker," Ahsoka finished for the lady at the desk. She tucked her hands behind her back to hide the bandages that protected her burnt and split flesh. The hot tea left her skin blistering and she'd cut herself cleaning up the shattered mug.

"Sorry, hun," the lady told her with a wince. "Visiting hours are over for those two."

"But I'm Anakin's padawan–"

"No exceptions. Sorry, hun. If you come back tomorrow at ten, I'll let you in."

"Please, I–"

"I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do." The lady shrugged and Ahsoka tightened her jaw.

Since when has anyone ever listened to the Halls of Healing's desk attendant? Ahsoka waited until the lady was distracted with talking to someone else before slipping down the hallway in the direction of her masters' room.

She found the door and crept in unnoticed. Ahsoka nearly jumped out of her skin when she noticed she wasn't the only visitor and slapped a hand over her heart when she saw it was just Padmé.

"Hey," Padmé whispered. "Neither of them have woken up yet." She paused, pursuing her lips. "How was your LIfe Day?"

Ahsoka could only shake her head.

"Agreed," Padmé sighed. She patted the empty chair beside her and Ahsoka flopped into it. "What happened to your hands?"

"Burnt myself and dropped the mug." She was too tired for anything but bluntness.

The two women sat in silence for a while, listening to the steady whirs and beeps of the monitors hooked up to Obi-Wan and Anakin.

"Are you okay?" Padmé finally whispered, gripping Ahsoka's wrist.

"As okay as I can be. You? How are you faring?"

"Same as you. I brought caf with lots of creamer." Padmé produced a travel mug out of seemingly nowhere, but Ahsoka wasn't surprised. It seemed like something Padmé would be very skilled at.

"Yeah. Just... one minute." Ahsoka stood up and stepped between her master's beds. She touched Obi-Wan's first, rubbing it. "Happy Life Day, Obi-Wan." Then she took Anakin's and gave it a squeeze. "Happy Life Day, Anakin."

She all but tumbled back into her chair, and she didn't realize she was crying until she could feel the tear that was running down Padmé's cheek. She sipped her caf and Padmé's arm wrapped around her. Ahsoka returned the gesture.

They sat there for hours into the night, holding each other and drinking cups of caffeinated creamer.

And for one tiny moment, Ahsoka knew it would be okay. 


Word Count: 1,113

Published: 25 December 2023

If you were expecting pure fluff I'm so sorry I've already exploited all my sending-my-readers-to-therapy budget. 

Happy Christmas to all who celebrate, and all who don't have a splendid day!

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Hasta la vida, peoples!

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