Tattoo | Febuwhump Day 5

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I actually did it. Yes, I cannot believe it either, but this is the third fic of the day. Whoawee. It's too short, but still--

Read on if you dare. 

"Commander, look at my new tattoo!"

Ahsoka turned around to see Fives running up the hallway, waving his hand. She walked backward slowly so he could catch up.

Ahsoka looked at the blackish-blue block letters embedded inFives' hand. It read Legally Better than Echo in Mando'a and Aksoka laughed.

"Does Echo know you got this?" she asked.

"Yeah, but he doesn't know what it says yet," Fives smirked. "I haven't told him."

"It's cool," Ahsoka said. "I wish I could get a tattoo, but Anakin won't let me. He says it's dangerous, even though I'm fighting in a kriffing war." She rolled her eyes.

Fives laughed. "It's okay, Commander, my tattoo isn't that cool anyway, and you can get one someday. And anyway, I have to hide this with my glove. But that just means Echo won't know what it says for longer."

"Yeah," Ahsoka snickered. "You better not let him see that."

Fives pulled his glove over his hand and sighed.

"Now hurry it up, trooper," Ahsoka elbowed Fives in the arm. "We're going to be late for training."


"Okay, so when you fire, the blaster is going to jolt back a bit. So make sure you're far enough away from it that it doesn't hit you. But– no, not that far, closer. You gotta be close enough to fire," Rex adjusted Ahsoka's form as she gripped the blaster. She'd never used one of them before. She'd never needed to. She'd always had her lightsaber.

"Good, now fire."

The shot of the gun rang out, hitting the target. She may not be experienced with blasters, but she was a Jedi, so of course she could still aim.

"Good, Commander, again," Rex said. "Fix your form."

Ahsoka lined up and fired again.

"Keep doing that," Rex instructed. "Go again."

Ahsoka checked her aim and fired, but this time, she got too close. She felt the blaster jolt back and the cutting pain on her cheekbone.

"Kriff," Ahsoka hissed, dropping the blaster. She huffed and tried to wipe the blood away, but there was more than she thought there was going to be.

"I told you not to get too close," Rex said.

"Aw, cut the kid some slack," Fives said, tossing the med kit to Kix. "It's her first time, Captain, and she's not a trooper."

"But she's a Jedi," Rex argued.


"It kinda is my fault," Ahsoka cut in with a shrug. "It's not that big of a deal."

"Yeah," Kix scoffed, wiping some of the blood away with gauze. "Guess again, Commander. You're definitely going to need stitches."

"Well, kriff," Ahsoka said. "Isn't that lovely?"

"Look on the bright side," Fives said. "I bet you anything, that's gonna scar."

"And how is that the bright side?" Ahsoka raised her brow.

"Well then you get a natural tattoo," Fives said. "No General Skywalker to say you can't get one.

"Huh, you're right," Ahsoka said. "Maybe it'll look super cool."

"It better be," Fives said. "Otherwise I'll make it cool."

"Nope, you're going to stop right there," Kix said. "No one is giving the Commander any more intentional scars, got it?"

"Fine," Fives sighed with a playful eye roll.

"Now, Commander, if you don't mind, we'll be visiting the med-bay for those stitches."


Word Count: 545

Published: February 5, 2023

I didn't know how to end it, so you're stuck with that. 

I'm tired and I have a headache, so I'm going to go sleep for forever. Except-- Oh wait, I can't because tomorrow is Monday, and then it's Tuesday, and then it's the rest of the national TwentyFunnyBunnies-doesn't-get-another-weekend month. 

Meh, it's fine, I'll be having fun for the most part. Except for Mondays. Kriffing Mondays. 

Requests are open, feel free to make a comment or message me if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples!

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