Disappointment for Dinner

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Guys, I'm getting so excited about my NaNoWriMo novel! Oh my gosh, it's going to be AMAZING. AAAAAnd I've created the most complex character I've ever created. I'm so excited!!!

Anyways, enough ranting about NaNoWriMo, how about some Star Wars stuff? This story was requested by @biosockgirl123 and is much anticipated. Sorry for the long time between updates!

Read on if you dare. 

"Hey, Snips, you hungry?" Anakin called, drawing Ahsoka from her cabin of their shared quarters.

"Sure," Ahsoka said. She spotted him in the kitchen, leaning against the counter. "We can go down to the mess hall now if you'd li– wait, why are you looking at me like that?"

"You know, Snips, the mess hall food gets kinda stale and boring tasting after a while..."

"Nununununo, don't tell me you're going to try to cook!" Ahsoka groaned.

"Why not?" Anakin shrugged. "It can't hurt to try."

"Anakin," Ahsoka hissed. "You can't cook. You end with a pot of charred poison whenever you try to. I'm not going to eat anything you make."

"Well fine then," Anakin pouted. "Insult my cooking and eat whatever gray sewer mush they have in the mess hall. I'll just stay here and tell you that you can't eat the gourmet dinner I make for myself when you find out how good of a cook I can be when I wanna."

Ahsoka huffed out a laugh. "Yeah, good luck with that. I'm just going to go enjoy my remaining sanity."

Anakin pouted behind her again but she just rolled her eyes as she left.


Anakin stirred smugly at the sweet-smelling gravy he stirred in the pot, along with potatoes and some sort of meat and vegetables. He'd finally proved Ahsoka wrong and made something good for dinner.

The recipe said to let it simmer covered for a while.

"What do I cover it with?" Anakin muttered to himself. He looked around the little kitchen area and spotted a towel. That would do. Anakin tossed the towel over the large pot and turned to exit the kitchen when an idea popped up in his mind. Wouldn't bacon just make this meal taste even better? Bacon was amazing and, plus, he could rub it into Ahsoka's face. She enjoyed bacon as well.

Anakin tossed some frozen bacon into a pan and dumped oil over it. That's what Ahsoka did when she fried up bacon for the two of them, right?

Oh well, if he got it wrong, it really didn't matter. It should all taste the same, amazing bacon anyway. The bacon Ahsoka couldn't eat them because she'd insulted his cooking skills. Anakin smirked.

Flipping the stove burner on all the way, Anakin pivoted and practically skipped out of the kitchen and into the bathroom. He'd take a quick shower and when he finished, his food would be ready and he could dish up and serve himself. Then he could rub it into Ahsoka's face. He'd been waiting for a long time for this moment.

When Anakin had finished in his shower and was working on shaving his face, he felt a throb of fear from Ahsoka's end of their Force-bond. He smirked to himself, thinking she saw his beautiful meal and was distraught that he won. Anakin couldn't help the smugness welling up inside of him.

However, as he continued shaving, the distant fear turned into despair. That was a bit extreme, no? Well, Ahsoka was always the drama queen... right?

Anakin quickly finished shaving. That's when a smell started creeping through the door to fill his nose. A smell oddly similar to... smoke?

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