Secrets of the Force | Febuwhump Day 6

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*Kicks door open loudly*

Heyo, human beings from outer space!

I'm back and laaaattteee but I had to get my coffeeéèẽèéêee!!!!

Actually no I haven't had coffee in a long time and I have a valid excuse but if I explain everything some creepy guy on the internet might try to kidnap me so the coffee will do. 

Anyway, I did have this done on the 6th, but then I hated it so I didn't publish it and I instead spent three more days messing with it. It is a 5 + 1 thing and that makes me happy because I've always wanted to write something like this. 

Read on if you dare. 


The first time that Ahsoka Tano had a vision in front of Rex, he thought that she was having a seizure.

"What are you thinkin' about, kid?" Rex asked one day aboard the Rexolute when he saw the distant la-la land look in her eyes.

The invisible fog around Ahsoka's mind seemed to break but her eyes didn't clear. "Just feeling," she said softly.

"What do you feel?" Rex said.

"The Force is behaving strangely today. I think it wants to tell me something," Ahsoka said.

Rex bit back a scoff and turned to look out the console window. "Didn't know the Force had a mouth or a voice box."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. "It speaks to my mind and it doesn't need a... a... mouth..."

Rex glanced back at Ahsoka to find her knuckles white from gripping the metal railing and she stared straight ahead at nothing.


She didn't respond.

"Hello? Kid? Tano?"

Still nothing.

Rex frowned. That wasn't normal.

Then Ahsoka began tipping over from her heels and Rex jumped forward to snap her just centimeters from the ground. She stayed as stiff as a board and her eyes remained open and glassy, but she wouldn't respond to anything Rex said or did.

Others were peering over control stations to get a look at what was happening, worried eyes and whispers exchanged throughout the room.

"Kix, Kix I need you on the bridge stat. Something's happened to the Commander and I'm not sure what," Rex said into his com, trying to keep his voice down.

Kix replied right away, saying he'd be there, and only a few seconds later, he came racing through the door and over to the captain.

Kix started prodding at Ahsoka to see what was going on with her. "What the kriff?" Kix hissed under his breath.

Whelp that couldn't be good. Not at all.

"We need to get her to the med-bay. I don't know what's–"

Just then, Ahsoka sucked in a deep breath of air and blinked a few times to clear her eyes. She looked up at both of the clones without saying anything for a moment and then tried to push herself up.

"Whoah, whoah, stay down, Kid. We're trying to figure out what happened, okay? Do you remember anything? Do you remember how you felt?"

Ahsoka huffed and gave them a small smile. "Calm down, Kix, it was just a vision. Nothing to get worked up about."


"A vision, you know, when the Force is telling me something? I told you I felt like it wanted to tell me something, Rex," Ahsoka said.

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now