Pool Party

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Heyo, human beings from outer space! 

Today I have another fun story for you! I read it to two people I knew and one thought it was just fantastic and the other was like "I was expecting it to be funnier." So, you'll just have to find out which one you are. 

Read on if you dare. 

"Hurry up, Anakin." Ahsoka tapped her foot impatiently against the hot cement, waiting for Anakin and the clones to finish with the sunscreen.

"Calm down. You'll have plenty of time to swim," Anakin grumbled, rubbing sunscreen into his legs. "Why are you so anxious to get into the water anyway?"

"There's never enough time to swim. You're taking too long," Ahsoka pushed. "Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"Okay, okay," Anakin said, sounding impatient. He handed the bottle to Ahsoka. She squirted a huge, bubbly lump of sunscreen in her palm and proceeded to hurriedly smother it all over herself. Then she threw the bottle at Anakin's face, ran across the cement, and hurled herself into the pool.

She hit the water with a huge splash and her head dunked under. Everything sounded fuzzy and gurgly underwater. Ahsoka pushed off the side of the pool and glided through the water gracefully. Halfway across the pool, she surfaced for air.

"Oh my gosh." Ahsoka heard Anakin say.

"That was wizard," Hardcase hollered, waving to her.

Ahsoka waved back, hopping up and down on the tip of her toe, hardly able to touch the ground. "Come on in! The water's great!"

"Okay," Hardcase shouted back. "After I finish with the sunscreen!"

Ahsoka slid back into the water and kicked into a front stroke. She swam to the side of the pool, somersaulted underwater, kicked off the wall, and swam all the way back to the other end. She grabbed the edge of the pool and looked up at everyone. "Coming?"

"Yep!" Hardcase and Fives said simultaneously. They jumped into the water over her, making even larger splashes than Ahsoka. The water showered her and she squealed.

"My splash was bigger." Hardcase crossed his arms triumphantly.

"No, mine was!" Fives argued.

"Your splashes were both big. Now come on, race you to the diving boards!" Ahsoka cheered.

The three splashed into action. The clones had jumped in at least two metres ahead of Ahsoka, so she was at a disadvantage. She pushed off the wall and grabbed onto Fives' ankles, propelling herself forward. She held onto his shoulders as he cut through the water.

Fives tried to shake her off but failed miserably. At the right moment, she pushed off him and grabbed the wall before the others did.

"Hey! Cheater!" Fives yelled.

"Yeah, no fair," Hardcase agreed.

"I still win," Ahsoka said. She heaved herself out of the water and turned to see the rest of the pool. Many others had gotten in the water.

Fives and Hardcase followed her out to the pool and she waved for them to line up at the diving board. No one else was there, so Hardcase hopped on.

Ahsoka pushed past Fives and leapt onto the board after Hardcase. She ran up to him, used the Force to pull a pool noodle into her hands, and jabbed it at Hardcase's back.

"Walk the plank, Hardcase!" Ahsoka shouted.

"Aaaaah, no!" Hardcase wailed, turning around to swat the noodle away. Then he yelped and clutched his wrist, pretending like he chopped his hand off. Ahsoka poked at him again and he tipped and fell off the diving board, making a huge splash in the water.

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