The Death Of Kix

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Have I killed Kix in this one? Is it just a catchy title? Does it have a purpose? 

You will not know until you read this story. 

Trigger warning for blood.

Read on if you dare.

"Now can you please explain how in the universe this happened to you?"

"Well, uh," the tiny togruta in front of Kix stammered. "It wasn't on purpose."

"I don't think anyone in their right mind would do this on purpose," Kix scraped more of the green gunk away from the large gash in Ahsoka's lek and montral. "That doesn't explain how though."

"It was just a scratch," Ahsoka whined.

Kix sighed heavily. "Well, obviously not. And what I want to know is how, Commander. How did you get this ginormous gash?"

"Well, you see, I was fighting with Ventress and she knocked Master out, so I chased her. And then she started throwing metal shards at me and one gave me a little scratch when I ducked under it," Ahsoka looked down in embarrassment.

"And you decided to hide it until now?" Kix asked, nearly gagging from the stench of the green goo oozing out of the gash.

"Well... yeah, but I caught Ventress," Ahsoka tried.

"Yet she got away," Kix groaned.

"She escaped after I captured her!" Ahsoka protested.

"Okay, okay," Kix spread bacta cream over the wound. He pointed to her leg, "Mind elaborating on that?"

Ahsoka grinned sheepishly, glancing down at the bloody mess on her leg. "That was also Ventress."

"Alright, what'd she do?" Kix questioned, attaching bacta patches to her lekku.

"That was when she... Ouch," Ahsoka winced. "When she pushed me off the side of the top of the base."

"She pushed you off the– how are you–" Kix stammered. "Commander, you're going to need stitches."

"What?" Ahsoka looked at him with horror. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," Kix opened a cabinet, pulling out the appropriate supplies. "You need to be more careful or..."

"Or else you suffer the consequences," Ahsoka finished. "Yeah, yeah, I get it, Kix."

"Good," Kix prepared the painkillers. "Slight pinch."

Ahsoka hissed a bit, but she didn't complain.

"Alright," Kix finished the preparation of the equipment. "I think you're ready. Slight pinch again."

Ahsoka yelped this time. "Goodness gracious, Kix. I thought you said 'slight pinch' not 'let me stab your wound as hard as I can with this really sharp needle'!"

"I said 'slight pinch,'" Kix chuckled. He continued working on the huge wound.

Ahsoka gritted her teeth together and scrunched up her face, but she didn't say anything more.

"Now," Kix finished with the stitches. "How long has it been since you last slept?"

"Since I last slept?" Ahsoka gave him a strange look.

"That's what I asked," Kix began the process of sanitation and packing up the equipment from the stitches.

"I don't know," Ahsoka furrowed her brow in thought. "Am I supposed to count the days?"

Kix had to fight off the temptation to facepalm. "You're not supposed to go days without sleeping."

"No duh," Ahsoka scoffed.

"But here you are," Kix gestured to the med-bay. "And you don't have a clue as to the last time you slept."

"Well, I know I've slept this week," Ahsoka tapped her chin.

"Commander, it's Centaxday," Kix groaned.

"What?" Ahsoka's eyes widened. "I thought it was Benduday."

"Yep. You definitely need sleep," Kix put the kit away and rummaged through a different cabinet.

"I'm still going strong," Ahsoka protested.

"Ah-hah," Kix produced a round bottle from the cabinet.

"What's that?" Ahsoka tilted her head like a curious Loth-cat.

"Sleeping pills. They'll knock you out when you need it," Kix handed her the bottle. "You just need to take one. And don't take it dry," Kix pointed at her, knowing her tendency to swallow pills dry.

"Okay. Do I have to take one now?" Ahsoka gave him a pleading look, not wanting to sleep.

"Yes. Go get some sleep," Kix answered. "I'm not going to keep you in the med-bay... not yet, at least. So if you go get some sleep now and don't pop any of those stitches, you won't have to stay here."

"Great," Ahsoka hopped up. "Thanks, Kix. See ya!" And with a little wave, she sped out the med-bay like there was nothing wrong with her.

Kix allowed himself to tumble into his chair with a lengthy exhale.

That child was going to be the death of him.


Word Count: 857

Published: Mar. 27, 2022

I didn't kill Kix. You're welcome. 

Also, I apologize for the shortness of this one. I just kinda whipped it up real quick when I got inspiration. I'm hurting Ahsoka too much and not making little, fluffy joys like this one enough. 

Oh, oh oh! I looked it up online (cause, you know, the internet is always right) and the five days of the week are Primeday, Centaxsday, Taungsday, Zhellday, and Benduday. I just picked that information up really quickly on Wookiepidia, so that may not even be right. 

But that's what Kix and Ahsoka are talking about. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples! 

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