It Was Christmas Morning | Modern AU

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!


How early did everyone have to get up this morning? I told the youngest child in my household he wasn't to wake me up until 5:15 AM (last year, it was before 5 that he woke me) and he ended up waking me up at 6, so I was pretty happy 'bout that. 

Anyways, I have for you a modern AU, because I love modern AUs like I love my oxygen. 

Read on if you dare.

It was Christmas Morning when Ahsoka jolted awake from a pleasant dream to her little brother, Caleb, throwing himself onto her in her bed.

It was Christmas Morning when Ahsoka begrudgingly pulled herself from her warm cocoon of blankets, a surge of excitement scaring off the possibility of any more sleep.

It was Christmas Morning when Ahsoka realized it was hardly five in the morning and she was sitting on the floor playing a slapping game with Caleb.

It was Christmas Morning when Caleb brought in a huge Walmart box and asked Ahsoka to close him inside so he could jump out and scare Obi-Wan and Satine.

"You want me to do what?" Ahsoka stared at Caleb.

"Lock me in the box so I can jump out and say, 'Merry Christmas' and surprise Obi-Wan and Satine," Caleb said. "I have a pillow and I'll be sitting like this so I can jump out." Caleb demonstrated the balled-up position he wanted to be in.

"How about you wait a little on that?" Ahsoka said. "It's still really early and I don't think Obi-Wan and Satine will be up for another hour and a half or so. They're still getting lovely sleep."

Caleb gave her a sheepish smirk.

"Anyways," she finished, "If you stay in there for too long, your legs will fall asleep."

"Yeah, I guess," Caleb said. "But you'll still lock me in the box soon, right?"

"When the time is right," Ahsoka promised. Heavens, who was she to tell him no? She wasn't going to have a sad, pouty little boy of a brother on Christmas Morning. If he wanted her to close him in a box, then so be it.

They continued playing the slapping game and reading stories until Anakin, their older brother, broke into Ahsoka's room.

"This isn't a party house," Ahsoka told him.

"Would you rather go to my room?" Anakin suggested with a smirk.

Ahsoka waved her arms wildly through the air. "Hey now, I didn't say I wanted to die."

"Yeah," Caleb agreed. "It stinks in your room."

It was less than half an hour later when the three siblings heard movement downstairs. Caleb dove into his box and situated himself there, much to Anakin's great confusion. When Ahsoka closed the box on top of the boy and sealed him in with a few thin strips of scotch tape just to keep the flaps together, Anakin's face looked like a twisted candy cane of confusion.

"Whoah, sis, you can't just mail your brother off to Santa's workshop 'cause he woke you up early," Anakin chided.

"But can you?" Caleb squealed inside the box. "I wanna be Santa's elf."

Ahsoka laughed, taping a frilly bow to make the box more appealing. "I thought you wanted to surprise Satine and Obi-Wan!"

"I do, I do!" Caleb cried.

That's when it clicked in Anakin's brain. "Oooooh," he hummed.

Anakin and Ahsoka grabbed either side of the box and hauled it down the stairs to the entrance of the kitchen, where Obi-Wan was making tea and Satine was getting her camera ready to take pictures of the kids opening their stockings.

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