It's a Togruta Thing

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

In the last part, I mentioned something about Ahsoka bumping her head. Anakin was ratting her out for it and Ahsoka said "It's a Togruta thing, you wouldn't understand!" or something along those lines. Well, I randomly decided to write a bunch of instances when Anakin didn't understand what Ahsoka was doing because she was acting like a Togruta. 

Please enjoy this spontaneously unrelevant story that I wrote in a condensed period of time. 

Read on if you dare.

"Oh, please tell me this isn't what it looks like when it's burned," Anakin groaned, stirring the pot of... well, whatever concoction he managed to make.

Ahsoka was sure it was toxic or something. Of course, Anakin didn't mean to make all his food poisonous, but he was such a bad cook it always turned out that way. He was so bad at cooking that he could've burned ice.

Thank the Force for the Jedi mess halls.

"It smells burnt," Ahsoka reported, pinching her nose.

Anakin's elbow hit one of the metal spoons and it flew across the table and clattered to the floor.

"Ahsoka, can you pick that up? I have to keep stirring," Anakin glanced at the opposite side of the counter where the spoon fell.

"Oh, sure," Ahsoka said, kneeling down to grab the shiny utensil.

There was a bump against the counter and Anakin felt it through the whole top. Then he heard a thud and a clatter. The spoon must've hit the floor again.

"Ahsoka?" Anakin stood on his toes, trying to see over the other edge of the counter. "Did you bump your head?"

There came no reply. Anakin, with a growing tinge of worry, dropped the stirring spoon against the edge of the pot and walked around the counter. Ahsoka lay in a heap, eyes closed and unmoving on the floor.

"Kriff, Ahsoka," Anakin panicked, rushing over and propping her head up in his lap. "Ahsoka, wake up, wake up!" He shook Ahsoka's shoulder.

Ahsoka didn't respond. Anakin, in his panic, fumbled for his comm. As he was about to find Kix's frequency, he felt a hand on his wrist.

"Ahsoka," Anakin breathed. "What happened? I just looked over here and you were passed out!"

"What? Oh, I bumped my head. Sorry," Ahsoka pushed herself up.

"What kriff, Ahsoka? It wasn't even that hard! How do you pass out from bumping your head on the counter just lightly?" Anakin put a hand on her forehead. "Are you feeling okay? Are you sick? Do you have a fever?"

"What's the big deal?" Ahsoka shoved him away.

"You passed out, Ahsoka! That's not normal," Anakin insisted, helping her stand up.

"Yeah, maybe not for you, but what's so big about that?" Ahsoka rubbed the back of her head. "I bumped my head just right, but I'm perfectly fine right now."

"How are you fine?! You passed out from bumping your head on the counter! Lemme just call Kix or something," Anakin grabbed for his comm.

"No, Master, he can't help me. It's a Togruta thing," Ahsoka pointed to her head. "Headgear, remember? It's sensitive."

After a bit more persuasion, Anakin relented and went back to stirring his burnt poison.


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