Lend Me an Arm | Febuwhump Day 1

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Well, it's been a fat minute, but I'm here, so yaaayyy! And as you can probably tell from the title, yes, I am doing Febuwhump this year, yes, I am a day late already and yes, I did get Tumblr. Hold up, I gotta insert a sunglasses emoji here to show how cool I am now. 


There we go. I'm cool now. 

Anywayyyy, sorry that this is not the request I received, I haven't gotten to that yet, but this should still be okay. Not my proudest work but it'll do. 

Read on if you dare. 

The muscles in Ahsoka's jaw tightened visibly in pain as she stepped into the gunship. Kix eyed her sharply, but she didn't seem to notice. She's really out of it, he thought as he scanned the large, scarlet gash on her back. The blood made it shine, just bearly beginning to crust at the edges.

"Rex," Kix subtly elbowed the captain in the side, keeping his voice low. "Don't let the kid sneak away, will ya? She has to get to the med-bay, and you know kriffing well she won't get there herself."

Rex nodded.

It didn't take long for the gunships to arrive back at the resolute and it took even less time for Ahsoka, as expected, to try and slip away from the grasp of the medics and the med-bay. But Rex managed to grab her arm before she could escape the hangar and he guided her down to the med bay.

Kix directed Ahsoka to sit on one of the cots and Rex took her there, sitting next to her to keep her company and (mostly) to prevent her from sneaking away.

By the time got to her, he could tell how the panic and dread built up inside of her by looking at her slightly dazed eyes. And a concussion. Kix could see that silly, big fat bout of head trauma clear as day.

"Tell me everything I need to know, Commander," Kix ordered, circling her like a bird getting ready to attack its prey.

"Uh," Ahsoka started sluggishly. "I got a bit of a scratch on my back, I think, and my head hurts a little, but everything else is just achy after-battle stuff. You know how it is."

Kix hummed and raised his eyebrows. "Looks like we have very different definitions of 'a bit of a scratch,' Commander. That looks like a laceration to me."

Ahsoka shrugged.

"That's going to need stitches for sure," Kix told her.



"Can't you just... I don't know. Glue it?" Ahsoka asked.

"No, Commander, it has to be stitched," Kix said, and when her shoulders dropped just a little, he added, "don't worry, I'll give you some painkiller."

Ahsoka sighed loudly. "I just want to go to my quarters and sleep for a week."

"Sorry, kid, but no can do. You've definitely got a concussion and there's no sleeping until I clear that," Kix said. "How about I give you the painkillers first, then I take care of that head trauma of yours while the meds kick in? Sound good?"

"Yeah," Ahsoka said.

"Stay away for me until then, okay?"


"Kid, you want me to stay or go?" Rex, who'd previously stayed quiet, asked. He thought he might already know the answer. Ahsoka may not have been the commander of the 501st for long, but Rex knew she didn't like feeling alone.

Ahsoka looked at her feet. "Stay, if you're okay with that."

"Perfectly fine, Commander. It would be my honor."

Kix injected Ahsoka with some pain medication and began working on her concussion. The poor kid looked ready to pass out, but Rex was very helpful with keeping her talking and alert.

After clearing the concussion, Kix pulled out all the necessary equipment to stitch Ahsoka up. He made sure everything was sanitized, then stuck the needle through Ahsoka's skin.

Ahsoka flinched and squeaked in pain and surprise. Kix tossed her a quick apology and Rex offered Ahsoka his hand.

Kix kept working at Ahsoka's back and with every stitch, she flinched and tightened her grip on Rex. From the looks of it, Rex should be glad for his armor. Nearly her entire hand was white from her tight grip.

By the time Kix finished with Ahsoka's back, she was holding Rex's arm for dear life. She clutched it against herself, her head pressing against his shoulder and her arms wrapping his.

"Well, Commander, you're good to go. Let me just get you some meds and then you can go back to your quarters," Kix said. When Ahsoka nodded, he turned around to dig in the cupboard. The meds he was looking for weren't there, so he made his way to the closet of supplies to see if he put the medicine down there.

When Kix finally found what he was looking for, he returned to find Ahsoka fast asleep against Rex's arm. Rex delicately patted her with his free hand.

Kix chuckled. "Guess the kid was really tired."

"Yeah," Rex hummed. "Guess so."

"We'll keep her here until she wakes up," Kix said. "That's even better for me. I can watch her and make sure she doesn't pop a stitch."

The two clones tried to ease Ahsoka onto the cot, but they found that her arms were still tightly wound around Rex's and that she wasn't about to let go.

"I guess I'm stuck here," Rex said with a laugh.

"We could wake her up," Kix offered.

"Nah, I can stay with her if someone will bring me my datapad," Rex said. "Maybe she's lonely and just needs someone to hold on to... or maybe someone to hold on to her."

"Maybe so," Kix hummed. He stood there quietly for a moment as Rex situated himself in the chair by Ahsoka's cot. "I'll send someone to get your datapad."

"Thanks, Kix."



Word Count: 888

Published: February 2, 2023 

The word count of this story makes me so happy. 

I'm going to be working on the next part now, so it might be out later today or it might be out tomorrow. You'll never know until I pull myself together and publish something. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas. 

Bye, peoples!

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