Okay is Okay | Febuwhump Day 10

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

*long, hissy sigh* I'm not gonna make it. I'm gonna have to go into march to finish up all these prompts because aS yOu cAn seE, I'm more than halfway behind. 

Annnyywaaayyy, this is the fourth part to the whole "Pretty Little Pet" and "Like an Animal" and "Not Okay" thing, so you might wanna read those first if you haven't already. 

And this was requested by Bensonmy. Yaaaayyyy functional tags!!!

Read on if you dare. 

Ahsoka was dying.

Her airways were closing, something clamping around her throat, and fat fingers stroking her face along her temple.

Time ticked by and Ahsoka felt the air thinning too much. Suffocation would mark her last excruciating moments of life. Tears ran down her face and she sobbed. She would die soon, she knew it, and–

"Ahsoka, wake up," a voice said. Anakin? "Open your eyes, little one."

Ahsoka didn't want to open her eyes. She didn't what to see the owner of the fat fingers... the horrible scientist man.

Cliah, she could still hear him saying, my pretty little pet, we're going to have so much fun together today.

"You're at the temple. You're safe, Snips. Open your eyes for me," Anakin's voice said.

Ahsoka sucked in what little air she could and blinked her eyes open to see Anakin looking over and white. So much white.

"See, everything's okay," Anakin said. "Breathe, Ahsoka. You're okay. Breathe."

Ahsoka took in a breath with a sob. Everything was so white. White like the lab, white like the fat man's coat... white.

Anakin tried to keep Ahsoka lying in her bed. "Hey, hey, deep breaths–"

"Don't touch me," Ahsoka hissed, shoving him off of her and lurching upward frantically.

"Right, sorry," Anakin said, holding up his arms. "Ahsoka Tano, you're in the Jedi Temple in the Halls of Healing, like you've been for a few days. You had a nightmare, but it's over now. I'm Anakin Skywalker, your master, and Obi-Wan Kenobi is your grand master, and he's on his way down here right now."

Ahsoka slowly managed to calm herself from her frantic state. She took deep breaths, listening closely to Anakin's rundown. She, of course, already knew everything he said, but his voice was grounding and his words helped her stay in the moment.

"Are you okay now?" Anakin asked.

"Fine," Ahsoka said, even though she was still shaking and had to put a lot of thought into breathing.

Obi-Wan pushed open the door to her room and came in swiftly. "Ahsoka, I heard you had another nightmare. Are you okay?"

Ahsoka nodded. She'd been having nightmares ever since she'd gotten back from the lab with the fat man and the experimentation.

It couldn't have been more than 48 hours that she was there, but it kriffing ruined her. She couldn't sleep without having horrible nightmares, she was bound to a bed thanks to all her injuries, and she couldn't have anyone touch her without panicking wildly. Ahsoka was a Togruta and Togrutas love physical affection.

Hugs had always been Ahsoka's favorite, but not anymore.

And touching her face was the worst. That was where she remembered the fat fingers brushing her skin. She'd been cut there, but when the medics tried to redress the wounds and apply bacta... well, no one had a good day.

"Ahsoka," Obi-Wan said, his voice too gentle and cautious. "I know how much you don't like having others in your head, but I believe you'd benefit greatly from a mental healer."

"You're right," Ahsoka said with a shudder. "I don't like having others in my head."

"Ahsoka, please–"

"It sounds like it would hurt me more than it would help me," Ahsoka said. "I'll be fine on my own."

"That's the thing, my dear," Obi-Wan said too gently. "I already scheduled one for you because I knew you'd say that you're fine. You aren't fine, Ahsoka. The mental healer will help you."

"What? Why didn't you–"

The door opened again and in came a woman. "Hello," she said. "I am Master Yvonne, I'll be working with Ahsoka Tano today."


The appointment with Master Yvonne was very awkward and very uncomfortable for Ahsoka. Master Yvonne was kind, but she kept telling Ahsoka to relax and Ahsoka didn't see how that was possible. She was in flight or fight mode the whole time.

But then again, Ahsoka couldn't deny that she felt better after Master Yvonne visited her. The nightmares were fewer and further between, and Ahsoka didn't freak out any time someone touched her. She was cured, but she was better.

"They want you back on the front lines, Snips," Anakin told her one day as he obnoxiously polished off the pudding she never ate from her lunch.

"Oh?" Ahsoka asked.

"I've lost two battles since you've been out. The Council thinks that without your leadership, the clones aren't performing to their full ability."

"We both know that's bantha poo, Master. The men could be just fine without me. They've got Rex still," Ahsoka said. "You're distracted by my absence. That's what it is."

Anakin sighed dramatically. "Maybe a little."

"You can't let me being hurt be the reason that you aren't winning all your battles," Ahsoka said.

"It's not just you," Anakin argued. "They were tough battles. A lot of our men were sick from a virus native to the planets already, so we already didn't have a great chance."

Ahsoka shrugged with a small sigh.

"The point is," Anakin said, "do you think you can be back on your feet and in the field by next week?"

"Well, they're discharging me tomorrow, so yeah," Ahsoka said. "I've been on my feet when I had actually bad injuries."

"Mental injuries are sometimes worse," Anakin warned.

"But I'm okay now," Ahsoka promised.

"You sure?"




"Commander Tano is here!"

Ahsoka laughed as she was met by a stampede of excited clones.

"I'm so glad you're okay!" Fives shrieked. "Last time I saw you I thought you were dead."

"Well, I'm not."

"I'm glad for that."

"Me, too."


Word Count: 937

Published: February 22, 2023

Well, that was a fun little string bean plot, hope that was a nice conclusion for this. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a poodle skirt to sew. Maybe it will make my crappy day better. 

Requests are open, feel free to message me or make a comment if you have any ideas!

Bye, peoples! 

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