Grand Padawan Hunt

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Heeeeeey I'm still allllliiiivvveeeee yaaaaaaaayyyy. 

So I was gonna publish this yesterday, but then I decided that I hated it and I rewrote it so... yeah. Ehehehehe I'm very sleep-deprived right now so... yeah. That's just self-explanatory. 

Anyway, this was requested by AhsokaJedi



Read on if you dare. 

"Sir, I think we found them."

Obi-Wan turned to face Cody, then looked from the viewport of their ship to see the shuttle Ahsoka had taken with younglings on their expedition to Illum.

"See if you can access their coms so they don't panic when we doc," Obi-Wan ordered. The clones immediately got to work, Cody chattering on the comms with young voices as the ships attached.

Obi-Wan and the clones were greeted by a bunch of younglings rushing to them with a "Master Kenboi!" as soon as they stepped on board.

The younglings all started talking at once about pirates, Ahsoka being gone, lightsaber crystals, and the droid assisting them on the mission.

"Slow down," Obi-Wan said, holding up his hands to stop them. "One at a time, please. Tell me exactly what happened."

Petro, one of the younglings, began talking right away. He told Obi-Wan and the Clones about every detail, obviously exaggerating some parts by the eye rolls of his fellow younglings.

"...and then when we called for Padawan Tano, she didn't answer, and she was just gone. So the pirates must've taken her."

"Yes, a most astute observation," Obi-Wan hummed, stroking his beard. As he'd said before, Hondo would be more of a fool than he thought he was to hurt Ahsoka, but Obi-Wan couldn't help the concern welling up inside of him. He turned sharply to Cody. "Cody, ensure that some of your men see the younglings back to Coruscant safely, then gather your best men so we can find Ahsoka."

The younglings watched with wide, fascinated eyes.

"It will be done, Sir."


"Jedi!" shrieked one of the pirates at the front of Hondo Ohnaka's base. His buddy fell from the crate he'd perched himself on and took off running into the base shouting the news.

"Make sure your weapons are set to stun," Obi-Wan reminded Cody, who replied with his usual, curt, "yes, sir."

Obi-Wan drew his lightsaber just as the avalanche burst from the base. He slashed away their blaster shots, pushing forward toward the entrance. Utterly drunk, the pirates were easy to push back. Obi-Wan soon found his way to Hondo himself, reclined against a sticky, filthy table.

"Kenobi!" Hondo exclaimed when he saw the Jedi. "To what do we owe this pleasure?"

Obi-Wan had no patients for this. "Oh, it's no pleasure, Hondo. You've taken something from me and I want her back."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Hondo defended. "I have nothing of yours."

"Ahsoka Tano. Where is she?"

"Oooooooh, you mean the pretty little Jedi." Hondo swung his legs from the table and leaned forward to his knees. "She is not here. I already told you I have nothing of yours here."

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