A Mission to Shili | Part 2

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Heyo, human beings from outer space! 

This was requested by @Princessfifi8. It's pretty self-explanatory: Part 2. So must I mention more?

Read on if you dare. 

Garozeb Orrelios had been nervous when he first brought Ahsoka to Lasan. He didn't know if the elders would accept her. Additionally, Zeb didn't know if Ahsoka would be okay with being the only one of her kind.

But when Zeb brought Ahsoka before the elders, they agreed to let her stay. Ahsoka also assured Zeb that she wouldn't mind staying: she was already educated in the culture of her people and she was willing to learn about others.

"Besides," Ahsoka leisurely waved a hand, "no one on Shili will like me coming back."

Since the population of the planet had been infected with a disease, Zeb had been very careful with who he introduced Ahsoka to. He didn't want her getting sick.

Zeb knew of someone who would love to meet Ahsoka and happened to be well. Zeb took Ahsoka to meet Chava the wise.

Now he sat and watched Chava muse over Ahsoka. Chava was absolutely enthralled with the child.

"Brilliant, Captain!" Chava said in her shrill voice. "You are absolutely brilliant for bringing us this wonderful child."

"So, you like her? That's good," Zeb said hesitantly, not knowing what to do next.

"Yes, yes, she is simply fabulous. I will train her in the way of the Ashla, and she will become strong within it. She will be as mannered and powerful as a Jedi, but without their strange morals."

Ahsoka smiled. "I will be powerful?"

"One day, child, you will be the strongest of us all," Chava told Ahsoka.

Great. What had Zeb gotten himself into? Chava was feeding Ahsoka a load of lies, wasn't she? Zeb groaned internally.

Zeb spent the rest of the day with Ahsoka, but by dusk, he left Ahsoka in Chava's hands and set off to fulfil the obligation of a Captain.


Ahsoka's training began with Chava the Wise right away. She already knew simple things about the Ashla, and she could summon it to do simple things as well.

"Sit here, child," Chava the Wise tapped her staff in the centre of the floor.

Ahsoka wordlessly obeyed.

"Now, close your eyes," Chava said, and Ahsoka complied.

"Focus your mind," Chava ordered. "When your mind is focused, you can do great things. You can lift heavy objects and perform the unthinkable. The Ashla will flow through you at full force when you are focused and open to it."

"But how do I open myself to it, Chava the Wise?" Ahsoka asked, her eyes still closed.

"I cannot summon the Ahsla as you can child, so I cannot explain that to you exactly. But you must focus on it attentively. You must listen to its will and follow its instructions."

Ahsoka focused attentively. She breathed deeply and felt the Ahsla. Time seemed to slow down as she called on the Ashla and listened to its will. She worked through her coiled mind, straightening the kinks in her focus and letting the Ashla flow through her.

It was not an easy job. It took a colossal amount of energy and a heap of time. Two hours, Ahsoka supposed. She finally opened her eyes, feeling more drained than she ever had before.

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