Free Falling | Febuwhump Day 25

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Day two and I'm still heeerrrreee. 

But my finger really really really hurts right now 'cause I burned it on my curling iron and it's blistering so tHaT'S fUn. 

Anyyywayyyy this was requested by I_Am_Snips and the prompt is "assumed dead."

Read on if you dare. 

During battle, there was no time to ponder a decision: everything must be decided and executed with in a split second.

So when Ahsoka saw Rex backing towards the edge of the cliff as the battle droids overwhelmed him, she hardly thought. She sprang into action, throwing herself at the droids, summoning the force, and swinging her lightsabers through the air.

A blurred second later, Rex was on the ground several meters away from the dangerous drop, reaching toward Ahsoka desperately. The ground at her heels gave out and she teetered and tipped.

And then the air whipped past her coldly and she was falling, falling, falling. A shrill scream ripped from her chest and she grabbed for anything that she could hold onto, but there was nothing. Her lightsabers rolled from her fingers and she watched in slow motion as Rex hit the ground in front of her and reached for her hand.

Their fingers brushed but gravity dragged her away before he could snatch her back. Her muscles tensed and insides turned to ice, she became weighless against the wind resistance and watched in utter helplessness as Rex and the edge of the mountain zoomed away.


"Commander Tano!" Rex shouted for what may have been the millionth time. He knew she wouldn't reply, he knew he was only wasting his voice, but he couldn't care less. He'd watched her fall, watched her disappear into the canopy of trees below them with a look of such horror that he thought his heart had shattered.

"Commander Tano!" he screamed down again. She'd done it to save him, sacrificed her life for his, the stupid kid.

He was a clone! He was born to die, but not her. She was irreplaceable.

The tears poured down his face as he laid flat on the ground in defeat. How could he let this happen? How could he be so careless?

"Rex? Rex! What happened? Are you hurt?" Kix fell to the ground next to Rex, yanking off his helmet. Kix's face contorted in shock and concern as he watched the tears slicken the face of his Captain.

Rex looked back down the side of the cliff and it hit Kix like a ton of bricks.

"Rex, where's Commander Tano?"

Rex just shook his head and looked back down to the leaves.

"She fell, didn't she?"

He nodded.

Kix jumped to his feet, pulling Rex up.

"Arlight, men, listen up!" Kix bellowed. He started barking out orders, telling the men that they were going down in search of Ahsoka.

"Kix, stop," Rex said, grabbing his arm. "You know this is no use. She's dead. No one could survive that fall."

"We're talking about Tano here," Kix said. "She's a fighter. I bet you anything that she's down there right now, counting on us to find her."

"Kix, she's dead."

"I refuse to believe that."


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