Priority, Not Dislike

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Oh. My. Goodness. 

I am at over 500 views!!!!! 

We must celebrate... how do you suggest we do so? 

Well, maybe it is a bit early for a celebration, since most people don't celebrate until 1k or 2k, but I feel like we deserve it. Is that just me? 

Anyways, I am causing anguish in our favourite characters today. Sorry, not sorry!

Read on if you dare. 

Obi-Wan sensed Ahsoka's distress and anxiety as she sat at the table in his quarters. He hadn't expected much different: it was the first time Anakin had been sent on a mission without her since she'd recently been apprenticed to him. Ahsoka would be staying with Obi-Wan until Anakin got back. And Obi-Wan knew from experience that being away from your master for the first time could be very nerve-wracking.

"I hear things are going well with you and Anakin," Obi-Wan said, trying to put her at ease. He brought two mugs of tea to the table and sat actress from Ahsoka.

Ahsoka looked up from her datapad and shrugged. "I-I dunno."

"Well, from what I've heard, you two are getting along just fine," Obi-Wan sipped his tea.

"I guess," Ahsoka reached for her mug and pulled it towards herself. Her uncertainty was unnerving.

Obi-Wan raised his eyebrows, prompting her to continue.

"I don't think he likes me," Ahsoka lifted the mug off the table, her hands shaking a little.

"What makes you say that?"

"He... He's never around. He doesn't like being with me," Ahsoka's voice wobbled as she spoke. "He said we'd train twice every day, but he forgets most of the time and is late when he remembers. I used my allowance to buy him a dinner he went on about liking, but he never showed up. He told me it was because he got busy with reports, so I did them for him, but he still, he still..." Ahsoka's hands shook so violently that the tea inside the mug sloshed for the rim.

The scorching liquid splashed onto Ahsoka's lap. She grimaced and set the mug on the table.

Ahsoka's voice trembled as she went on, "He left and never helped me with the homework he promised he would so I failed the test. And the other night, I had a nightmare, and I was so afraid and everything was so dark and I couldn't find him. He wasn't there. No one was," Ahsoka choked back a sob. She wiped tears from the corners of her eyes. "S-sorry."

Obi-Wan shook his head. "No, no. You have no reason to be." His heart was breaking. He was going to have a very serious talk with Anakin when he got back.

Ahsoka's shame felt apparent. She sat there, wiping away the tears and twisting her fingers. She reached for her datapad to wipe the splattered droplets of tea away. In the process, her hand slipped and her knuckle tipped the mug over.

Tea splattered over the table and into Obi-Wan's lap. Ahsoka buried her hand in her hands. She rose shakily.

"I'm sorry, I'll get-"

Obi-Wan interrupted her, "No worries. Sit down, I'll take care of it."

Ahsoka sat obediently while Obi-Wan fetched paper towels. When he returned, she, with some frustration, was drying up her datapad and trying to turn it on. Obi-Wan cleaned up the spilt tea. When he finished, he sat with Ahsoka on the couch.

"Now, my dear, about the nightmare..." Obi-Wan let his voice trail off.

"I'm okay now," Ahsoka looked away. "It was pretty bad. I didn't sleep for a while and I'm still a little shaken up, but I'm okay."

Ahsoka Tano One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now