The Most Epic Game of Capture the Blue Milk Ever

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Heyo, human beings from outer space!

Today we have an epic two-in-one-er requested by both Tessinred and jamesidk13. Dang it tags why won't you wooooooorrrrkkk???

Everything is explained in the fic, but there might be one thing that's unclear, which is to win, the team's designated chugger must chug the milk. And I promise this will make more sense from the fic. 

Read on if you dare. 

"You guys actually do this?"

Ahsoka chuckled at Caleb's wide-eyed horror. "Relax. You have fun once you let yourself," she promised.

Caleb scanned the floor, which was littered with unconscious clones: their teammates, branded by a temporary blue handprint on their breastplates.

"Start waking them up," Ahsoka ordered, detaching him from her arm and nodding for him to move to a different group of clones. She crossed the room, spotting Echo and kicking him in the arm.

"What do you think happened?" Caleb asked, voice still shaking. "Wasn't this the other scouting group?"

"Yeah, they probably got ambushed," Ahsoka replied, then laughed. "Calm down, Caleb! Are you really gonna spend your whole 501st weekend experience panicking? This is gonna be the most epic game of Capture the Blue Milk Bottle you will ever experience."

Caleb muttered in disagreement. "It's mostly just stressful if you ask me."

"That's why you need to relax, and for kriff's sake, Echo, stop hitting me like I have a snooze button." Ahsoka hauled Echo into an upright sitting position, but the sound of a faint shuffle prickled her montrals and she froze.

Caleb noticed. "What's—"

"DOWN!" Ahsoka shouted, racing over to the younger padawan and tackling him just in time to save him from a stun bolt. She rolled to her feet, tucking Caleb behind her and holding up her blaster. She tried to listen for an estimation on how many competitors were surrounding them, but couldn't guess.

Another shot rang out and Ahsoka ducked just in time. Fives sprang out from the shadows, his red handprint shining in the light. He raised his blaster and fired, sending a blue ring of light flying for Echo, who had scrambled to his feet.

Ahsoka reached out her hand and stopped it with the Force just in time, letting it hang in mid air before tossing it aside.

"Aw, that's dirty, Commander Tano," Fives whined. "I so had Echo. Again."

"I would've dodged it anyway," Echo arged.

"Nu-uh. I am way to skilled for you to have escaped that." Fives blew a raspberry at Echo. "Ha-hah, I'm better than you!" he chanted.

The two spiraled into an argument and Ahsoka chuckled. Rex was right when he divided up the teams, Fives and Echo so belonged on opposing sides, just for her personal entertainment if for anything.

"Come on," Ahsoka whispered to Caleb, who stood behind her shaking and holding his blaster in a white-knucked grip. She took his hand and guided him to the next room.

"Where are we going?" Caleb whispered.

"To find their blue milk," Ahsoka replied. "We have to find it to win."

"Right," mumbled Caleb, letting Ahsoka guide him through the dim barracks.

Whenever the 501st ha a chance, they would spend a weeked playing the most epic and intense games Capture the Flag in the barracks, using blue milk bottles as flags and their blasters set to stun. This time, Ahsoka had invited Caleb to join them, but she was starting to wonder if that was a mistake.

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